Cluster Analysis, 5th Edition By Brian S. Everitt, Sabine Landau, Morven Leese, Daniel Stahl(auth.), Walter A. Shewhart, Samuel S. Wilks(eds.)
2010 | 337 Pages | ISBN: 0470749911 | PDF | 11 MB
Cluster analysis comprises a range of methods for classifying multivariate data into subgroups. By organizing multivariate data into such subgroups, clustering can help reveal the characteristics of any structure or patterns present. These techniques have proven useful in a wide range of areas such as medicine, psychology, market research and bioinformatics. This fifth edition of the highly successful Cluster Analysis includes coverage of the latest developments in the field and a new chapter dealing with finite mixture models for structured data. Real life examples are used throughout to demonstrate the application of the theory, and figures are used extensively to illustrate graphical techniques. The book is comprehensive yet relatively non-mathematical, focusing on the practical aspects of cluster analysis. Key Features: * Presents a comprehensive guide to clustering techniques, with focus on the practical aspects of cluster analysis. * Provides a thorough revision of the fourth edition, including new developments in clustering longitudinal data and examples from bioinformatics and gene studies * Updates the chapter on mixture models to include recent developments and presents a new chapter on mixture modeling for structured data. Practitioners and researchers working in cluster analysis and data analysis will benefit from this book.Content: Chapter 1 An Introduction to Classification and Clustering (pages 1-13): Chapter 2 Detecting Clusters Graphically (pages 15-41): Chapter 3 Measurement of Proximity (pages 43-69): Chapter 4 Hierarchical Clustering (pages 71-110): Chapter 5 Optimization Clustering Techniques (pages 111-142): Chapter 6 Finite Mixture Densities as Models for Cluster Analysis (pages 143-186): Chapter 7 Model?Based Cluster Analysis for Structured Data (pages 187-213): Chapter 8 Miscellaneous Clustering Methods (pages 215-255): Chapter 9 Some Final Comments and Guidelines (pages 257-287):

Clinical and Educational Child Psychology: An Ecological-Transactional Approach to Understanding Child Problems and Interventions By Linda Wilmshurst(auth.)
2012 | 364 Pages | ISBN: 1119952263 | PDF | 3 MB
Clinical and Educational Child Psychology: An Ecological-Transactional Approach to Developmental Problems and Interventions explores developmental milestones in early childhood and adolescence and provides intervention strategies in both clinical and educational contexts.Currently one of the only books on child psychopathology that is up to date with recently-released DSM-V standardsExplores how challenges commonly encountered at ages 3-18 can influence developmentDraws on contemporary research on the developing brain to show why some children may be vulnerable to a host of clinical and educational problemsEquips readers to develop case formulations and interventions in a holistic wayDiscusses developmental milestones and adjustment disorders in both early childhood and adolescenceContent: Chapter 1 Child and Adolescent Development: Normal and Atypical Variations (pages 1-22): Chapter 2 Theoretical Models (pages 23-53): Chapter 3 Developmental Milestones: Early and Middle Childhood (pages 54-83): Chapter 4 Developmental Milestones: Adolescence (pages 84-105): Chapter 5 Development from a Clinical and Educational Perspective (pages 106-132): Chapter 6 Adjustment Problems and Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (pages 133-161): Chapter 7 Early Onset Problems: Preschool and Primary School (pages 162-191): Chapter 8 Problems of Learning and Attention (pages 192-218): Chapter 9 Externalizing Problems and Disruptive Behavior Disorders (pages 219-241): Chapter 10 Internalizing Problems and Anxiety, Mood, and Somatic Disorders (pages 242-275): Chapter 11 Later Onset Problems: Eating Disorders and Substance Use/Abuse (pages 276-300): Chapter 12 Child Maltreatment and Self?Injurious Behaviors (pages 301-327): Chapter 13 Trauma and Trauma Disorders (pages 328-353):

Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making By
2006 | 133 Pages | ISBN: 0727917412 | PDF | 2 MB
Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain how to build the information into patient oriented decision-making. Clinical Thinking allows you to think both logically and laterally about daily clinical issues and look at problems from different angles.Uses realistic scenarios, frameworks and models Takes you through the whole decision-making process, from observation and narrative to evaluating the best evidence for the individual situation Illustrations and flow charts help clarify this new approach These methods have been tried and tested by the authors, internationally respected general practitioners and teachers in primary care - all leaders in the evidence-based medicine movementThis book takes clinical medicine a big step forward in the direction of patient-focused practice!Content: Chapter 1 Principles of Clinical Problem Solving (pages 1-11): Chapter 2 Communication in Clinical Care (pages 12-26): Chapter 3 Models of Disease (pages 27-37): Chapter 4 Diagnosis (pages 38-57): Chapter 5 Fine Art of Prognostication (pages 58-70): Chapter 6 Making Clinical Management Decisions (pages 71-83): Chapter 7 Monitoring in Chronic Disease (pages 84-98): Chapter 8 Screening for Disease, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (pages 99-122): Chapter 9 Endpiece (pages 115-122):

Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy By
2011 | 153 Pages | ISBN: 140519944X | PDF | 2 MB
Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy is a key text for occupational therapy students and practitioners. Written by an internationally renowned group of clinicians, educators and academics and with a central case study running throughout, the book covers the theory and practice of the following key topics: Working and Thinking in Different Contexts; Teaching as Reasoning; Ethical Reasoning; Diversity in Reasoning; Working and Thinking within 'Evidence Frameworks'; Experience as a Framework; The Client. FEATURES includes case studies problem-solving framework questions at the end of each chapter commentaries on key topics relates theory to practice Content: Chapter 1 Problem Solving in Occupational Therapy (pages 1-14): Linda Robertson and Sian GriffithsChapter 2 Abductive Reasoning and Case Formulation in Complex Cases (pages 15-30): Bronwyn ThompsonChapter 3 Ethical Reasoning: Internal and External Morality for Occupational Therapists (pages 31-44): Mary ButlerChapter 4 Occupational Therapists, Care and Managerialism (pages 45-62): Ruth FitzgeraldChapter 5 Context and How it Influences Our Professional Thinking (pages 63-75): Susan Ryan and Carol HillsChapter 6 The Novice Therapist (pages 77-92): Linda RobertsonChapter 7 Artistry and Expertise (pages 93-106): Margo Paterson, Joy Higgs and Catherine DonnellyChapter 8 Kai Whakaora Ngangahau - Maori Occupational Therapists' Collective Reasoning (pages 107-128): Jo?Anne Gilsenan, Jane Hopkirk and Isla Emery?WhittingtonChapter 9 Reasoning That Is Difficult to Articulate (pages 129-136): Linda Robertson

Clinical Examination of Farm Animals By
2002 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 0632057068 | PDF | 5 MB
Clinical examination is a fundamental part of the process of veterinary diagnosis. Without a proficient clinical examination and an accurate diagnosis it is unlikely that the treatment, control, prognosis and welfare of animals will be optimised. This book will assist veterinary students in their understanding of farm animal clinical examination and act as a quick reference for clinicians who are called upon to examine an unfamiliar species. It will also provide a more detailed account for experienced clinicians in their continuing professional development. The authors provide a simple, explicit and reliable method of examining cattle, sheep, pigs and goats of all ages in the search for diagnostic information.Content: Chapter 1 Principles of Clinical Examination (pages 3-6): Chapter 2 The General Clinical Examination of Cattle (pages 9-11): Chapter 3 Clinical Examination of the Lymphatic System (pages 12-15): Chapter 4 Clinical Examination of the Skin (pages 16-28): Chapter 5 Clinical Examination of the Head and Neck (pages 29-50): Chapter 6 Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System (pages 51-64): Chapter 7 Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System (pages 65-80): Chapter 8 Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal System (pages 81-112): Chapter 9 Clinical Examination of the Urinary System (pages 113-124): Chapter 10 Clinical Examination of the Female Genital System (pages 125-140): Chapter 11 Clinical Examination of the Male Genital System (pages 141-153): Chapter 12 Clinical Examination of the Udder (pages 154-166): Chapter 13 Clinical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System (pages 167-197): Chapter 14 Clinical Examination of the Nervous System (pages 198-216): Chapter 15 Clinical Examination of the Sheep (pages 219-248): Chapter 16 Clinical Examination of the Pig (pages 251-278): Chapter 17 Clinical Examination of the Goat (pages 281-299):

Clinical Dilemmas in Primary Liver Cancer By
2011 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 0470657979 | PDF | 4 MB
How do you look after the liver as well as the tumour? Is one scoring system in patient assessment more useful than another? Is microbubble ultrasound an advance in surveillance screening? Clinical Dilemmas in Primary Liver Cancer considers these and other questions in a highly practical, user-friendly format. Edited by Roger Williams and Simon Taylor-Robinson, two of the UK's top hepatologists and leading figures on liver cancer, this concise guide provides evidence-basedexpert guidance on subjects ranging from epidemiological risk factors and screening and surveillance strategies to diagnosis and treatment. Contributing authors, experts in particular areas in liver cancer treatment, know your daily clinical challenges because they share them. The six major sections of the book cover: · Learning from a worldwide perspective · Influence of tumour characteristics · Complexities of patient assessment and scoring systems · Choice of radiological diagnostic technique · Can treatment be tailored to the patient? · What does the future hold? Recent advances allowing early diagnosis and use of locoregional and systemic therapy, surgery, transplantation, and combination therapy may help to reverse the established pattern of patients presenting with advanced disease, and the authors carefully review these important developments. Clinical Dilemmas in Primary Liver Cancer is essential reading forall thoseinvolved in the care of patients with liver cancer, including established and trainee hepatologists and gastroenterologists, transplant surgeons,pathologists,and specialist hepatology nurses. Content: Chapter 1 Are Patterns and Prevalence Changing? (pages 1-10): Hashem B. El?SeragChapter 2 Why is the Tumour Different in Africa? (pages 11-17): Nimzing G. LadepChapter 3 Control by Vaccination: Asian and Taiwan Experience (pages 18-23): Jia?Horng KaoChapter 4 The view from the United Kingdom (pages 24-28): Shahid A. Khan, Mireille B. Toledano, Abigail Zabron, Mehtan Ahmed and Simon D. Taylor?RobinsonChapter 5 The view from the United States (pages 29-34): Hitoshi Maruyama and Arun J. SanyalChapter 6 New Challenges of the NAFLD and HIV Epidemics (pages 35-41): Quentin M. Anstee and Janice MainChapter 7 Controversies in Pathology (pages 43-52): Tania RoskamsChapter 8 Not to Forget the Unusual Tumour (pages 53-59): Bernard C. PortmannChapter 9 What can be Learned from Molecular Diagnostic Techniques and Genetic Signatures? (pages 60-64): Tariq Moatter and Saeed HamidChapter 10 Looking after the Liver as well as the Tumour (pages 65-72): Roger WilliamsChapter 11 Comparative Performances of Staging Systems for Hepatocellular Cancer: Early HCC Considerations (pages 73-80): Peter D. Peng and Timothy M. PawlikChapter 12 Rival Scoring Systems: Do they Offer more? (pages 81-90): Angelo Sangiovanni and Massimo ColomboChapter 13 Is it Possible to Detect Early Lesions Effectively? (pages 91-96): Ryota Masuzaki and Masao OmataChapter 14 What is the Value of Country?Based Surveillance Programmes? (pages 97-104): Peter OttChapter 15 Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (pages 105-113): Wladyslaw GedroycChapter 16 Is Microbubble Ultrasound useful? (pages 114-117): Adrian LimChapter 17 Value of PET Scanning (pages 118-123): Tara D. Barwick, Imene Zerizer and Adil Al?NahhasChapter 18 Who could Benefit from Chemoembolisation? (pages 125-135): Gisele N'Kontchou, Olivier Seror and Michel BeaugrandChapter 19 Are Drug?Eluting Beads Worth using? (pages 136-141): Christopher N. Hacking and Pradesh KumarChapter 20 What is the Future of Image?Guided Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma? (pages 142-148): Riccardo LencioniChapter 21 Alternative Ablation Techniques for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (pages 149-153): John KaraniChapter 22 Justification for Sorafenib and Chemotherapy (pages 154-159): Philip J. JohnsonChapter 23 When to Consider Surgery? (pages 160-167): Emmanuel Melloul, Mickael Lesurtel and Pierre?Alain ClavienChapter 24 Transplant Considerations (pages 168-175): Myron SchwartzChapter 25 Dipstick Markers for Diagnosis: Feasible or not? (pages 177-183): Mohamed I. F. Shariff and Simon D. Taylor?RobinsonChapter 26 Targeted Gene Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Reality? (pages 184-190): Christopher Binny, Marco Della Peruta and Amit C. NathwaniChapter 27 Is Immune Modulation a Possibility? (pages 191-198): Tim F. Greten and Firouzeh KorangyChapter 28 Systemic Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Future Directions (pages 199-211): Daniel H. Palmer and Matthew E. Cramp

Clinical Dermatology, Fourth Edition By Richard P. J. B. Weller, John A. A. Hunter, John A. Savin, Mark V. Dahl(auth.)
2008 | 434 Pages | ISBN: 140514663X | PDF | 21 MB
This best selling text has been completely revised and refreshed in the fourth edition. The authors aim to enthuse family doctors (for whom they are primarily writing) to enjoy the challenge of diagnosing and treating skin conditions. Clinical Dermatology contains over 500 high quality pictures and diagrams matched with many colourful phrases to illustrate and entertain as it teaches. It has established a reputation as a 'way of learning' and as a cogent overview of the subject for the aspiring specialist. Readers are guided through the maze that too often lies between the presenting skin complaint and its final diagnosis and treatment. The authors have created an easily read text with enough detail to clarify the subject but not enough to obscure it. This fourth edition contains new chapters on racially pigmented skin, dermatology of different age groups and cosmetic dermatology. Relevant internet sites are now clearly highlighted at the end of each chapter and the comprehensive formulary has been updated.Content: Chapter 1 Skin Disease in Perspective (pages 4-9): Chapter 2 The Function and Structure of the Skin (pages 10-33): Chapter 3 Diagnosis of Skin Disorders (pages 34-46): Chapter 4 Disorders of Keratinization (pages 47-53): Chapter 5 Psoriasis (pages 54-70): Chapter 6 Other Papulosquamous Disorders (pages 71-78): Chapter 7 Eczema and Dermatitis (pages 79-103): Chapter 8 Reactive Erythemas and Vasculitis (pages 104-117): Chapter 9 Bullous Diseases (pages 118-130): Chapter 10 Connective Tissue Disorders (pages 131-145): Chapter 11 Disorders of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics (pages 146-161): Chapter 12 Sebaceous and Sweat Gland Disorders (pages 162-176): Chapter 13 Regional Dermatology (pages 177-204): Chapter 14 Racially Pigmented Skin (pages 205-215): Chapter 15 Dermatology of Different Age Groups (pages 216-220): Chapter 16 Infections (pages 221-257): Chapter 17 Infestations (pages 258-267): Chapter 18 Skin Reactions to Light (pages 268-276): Chapter 19 Disorders of Pigmentation (pages 277-288): Chapter 20 Skin Tumours (pages 289-322): Chapter 21 The Skin in Systemic Disease (pages 323-334): Chapter 22 Cosmetic Dermatology (pages 335-341): Chapter 23 The Skin and the Psyche (pages 342-347): Chapter 24 Other Genetic Disorders (pages 348-355): Chapter 25 Drug Eruptions (pages 356-363): Chapter 26 Medical Treatment of Skin Disease (pages 364-370): Chapter 27 Physical Forms of Treatment (pages 371-380):

Francesco Lacava, "Classical Electrodynamics: From Image Charges to the Photon Mass and Magnetic Monopoles"
English | 2016 | pages: 212 | ISBN: 3319394754 | EPUB | 3,7 mb
1. Classical Electrodynamics: a short survey.- 2. Orthogonal coordinates.- 3. Multipole expansion.- 4. Method of image charges.- 5. Image charges and dielectrics.- 6. Electrostatics and complex functions.- 7. Relativistic transformations of the electric and magnetic fields.- 8. Relativistic Covariance of the Electrodynamics.- 9. The resonant cavity.- 10. Energy and momentum of the electromagnetic field.- 11. The Feynman paradox.- 12. The test of Coulomb's Law and the mass of the photon.- 13. Magnetic Monopoles.

Chess Strategy Endgames: How to Beat Intermediate Chess Players by Tim Sawyer
English | 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B09XWBBXZ6 | 210 pages | EPUB | 2.08 Mb
Tim Sawyer illustrates practical chess endgame strategy from games played vs intermediate players. This book has 87 games and 100 diagrams. It shows decisions players make in endings when they might be short on time. This book is purely for entertainment value.

Chakra Awakening: 2 Books In 1: Reiki & Chakras for Beginners + Third Eye Awakening. Anxiety Relief, Spiritual Enlightenment & Energy Healing Using Guided Meditations and Mindfulness by Ellen Cure
English | 2020 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B088DMK4WC | 415 pages | EPUB | 2.49 Mb
Are looking for an easy way to learn anything aboutChakra BalancingandReiki Self-Healing Power?