Precious Children of India: Giving Voice to Destitute Children of the World By Elizabeth Ann Carpenter
2014 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1622452011 | EPUB | 4 MB
Children around the world are living in dire conditions without even the basic necessities of water, food, shelter, and love. They often suffer in silence, struggling simply to exist among the unexplainable and irreversible conditions in which they find themselves. Many are so young they do not even know what they lack - the love of a family and the comfort of a home. Survival is their only concern as they grow up in a world of adults who seem to have forgotten them or are so busy with their own survival that they really do not have time to care. These first-person narratives are compiled from conversations with dozens of boys and girls in India. The stories put a voice to the suffering that they and thousands more like them endure every day. Children bravely share their stories of being caste bound, trafficked, beggars, witnesses to murder, unwanted, and of suffering great loss. Each child is a witness to his or her own story of survival. From their voices can be heard the desperate plea for someone to care, if not for themselves, then for those even less fortunate whose voices have not yet been heard.

Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Italian Grammar, Premium Third Edition by Marcel Danesi
English | 2020 | ISBN: 1260463192 | 360 pages | PDF | 31 Mb
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Practical Trends in Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2020-2021
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3031146115 | 384 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 17 MB
This book offers an essential guide to managing the most-debated hot topics of practical interest in anesthesia and intensive care. Part I reviews the state of the art in issues concerning both intensive care medicine and anesthesia, such as perioperative medicine, acute liver failure, anesthesia monitoring and ERAS in hepatic surgery. Part II focuses on microbiome in critically ill patients, on COVID-19 aspects and related issues, on sepsis in pediatric patients and ventilatory management in obese patients.Written by leading experts and including updated references, it provides a comprehensive, easy-to-follow update on anesthesia and intensive care. The book clearly explains complex topics, offering practicing clinicians valuable insights into the latest recommendations and evidence in the field while, at the same time, making it a vital resource for students new to the fields of anesthesia and intensive care.

Practical Lung Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3031144015 | 354 Pages | PDF (True) | 55 MB
This text consists of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung pathology. It discusses frequently encountered issues and diagnostic problems using a Q&A format and case presentations. Emphasis is placed on differentiating one from another based on the histopathological features, ancillary tests including immunohistochemical and molecular analyses, and clinical and radiologic correlation. In particular, clinical-radiologic-pathologic correlation is emphasized in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD).

James E. Goodby, Kenneth Weisbrode, "Practical Lessons from US Foreign Policy: The Itinerant Years"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 3030273113 | PDF | pages: 236 | 2.6 mb
In foreign policy, the Trump administration has appeared to depart from long-standing norms of international behavior that have underwritten American primacy for decades in a more interdependent and prosperous world. In this book, a diplomat and a historian revisit that perception by examining and reproducing several of their own essays during the past twenty years. The essays reveal that Trump's style exaggerates tendencies towards unilateralism already present in the actions, if not the policies, of previous presidents, and in their neglect of three imperatives: collective security, regional integration, and diplomatic imagination. It is not too late, however, to remedy the problem by learning the lessons of the recent past.

Power, Policy, and Protest: The Politics of India's Special Economic Zones By Rob Jenkins, Loraine Kennedy, Partha Mukhopadhyay
2014 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 0198097344 | PDF | 19 MB
India's attempt to spur growth, boost exports, and create jobs by establishing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is a paradox: the policy represents an intensification of the country's increasingly market-oriented development paradigm, but implementation has required active government involvement.More than a decade after importing the SEZ concept from China, India has hundreds of these walled-off, deregulated, low-tax enclaves. But an industrialization strategy pioneered in authoritarian China has faced huge political resistance in democratic India. Protest movements arose in many localitieswhere SEZs were proposed. Resistance varied in terms of the intensity and sustainability of opposition, the grievances articulated, and the tactics employed. A central issue has been the alienation of privately owned land by business interests, abetted by the state. To date, no systematic study ofthe politics of India's SEZ experiment has been undertaken. This book remedies this gap, examining variations within and between eleven states. Detailed case studies investigate differences in the nature and extent of SEZ-related political mobilization and the means employed by governments to managedissent. By covering a broad range of regional contexts, industrial sectors, and political conditions, this volume furnishes a comprehensive picture of the politics surrounding one of India's most controversial reform measures.

Jenny Pearce, "Politics without Violence?: Towards a Post-Weberian Enlightenment"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 303026081X | PDF | pages: 347 | 3.3 mb
This book explores the potential for imagining a politics without violence and evidence that this need not be a utopian project. The book demonstrates that in theory and in practice, we now have the intellectual and scientific knowledge to make this possible. In addition, new sensibilities towards violence have generated social action on violence, turning this knowledge into practical impact. Scientifically, the first step is to recognize that only through interdisciplinary conversations can we fully realize this knowledge. Conversations between natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities, impossible in the twentieth century, are today possible and essential for understanding the phenomenon of violence, its multiple expressions and the factors that reproduce it. We can distinguish aggression from violence, the biological from the social body. In an echo of the rational Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, this book calls for an emotional Enlightenment in the twenty first and a post Weberian understanding of politics and the State.

Polarized Light in Biomedical Imaging and Sensing: Clinical and Preclinical Applications
English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031047400 | 362 Pages | PDF (True) | 12 MB
This book focuses on biomedical applications of polarized light, covering instrumentation and modeling specific to the field.This will be the first book, written by leading researchers in the field, to tackle this important topic.Readers will learn the fundamentals of polarized light transport and how to develop instrumentation for clinical and preclinical studies. They will also become familiar with the latest advancement in data analysis and image processing for a variety of medical applications. The book is dedicated specifically to the biomedical community, including scientists, engineers, and physicians working on the development of instrumentation for clinical and preclinical use.

Planning Indian Megacity Regions: Spatial Model, Development Dynamics and Future Advances By S. K. Kulshrestha
2021 | 213 Pages | ISBN: 9811654689 | PDF | 4 MB
This book focuses on spatial planning of megacities that are growing in Asia, Africa, and America. These cities are not be seen in isolation from their respective influence regions. They complement each other. Most of the solutions to the problems of such cities are found in their respective regions, and, on the other hand, the regions derive their strength from their respective megacities. There is a need for promoting integrated spatial planning of megacity regions. The five chapters in this book highlight the spatial planning of such regions.

Philip Jarrett - Pioneer Aircraft: Early Aviation Before 1914 (Putnam's History of Aircraft)
Putnam | 2002 | ISBN: 0851778690 | English | 255 pages | PDF | 119.64 MB
This volume covers aviation from its earliest beginnings up to the outbreak of the First World War. It begins with the first theories and experiments in flight, including the attempts to fly by jumping from towers and the experiences of the lighter-than-air flight using balloons. It then analyses the experiments with kites and models in an attempt to understand the principles of aerodynamics. All this leads up to the first successful powered flights, culminating in the achievement of the Wright Brothers, whose flight at Kitty Hawk represented the first successful powered, sustained, and controlled flight. The remainder of the book covers the creation of an aeroplane industry - putting aeroplanes to work, refining airframes and engines, adapting aeroplanes to fly from water, and understanding safety issues.