Henrik Breitenbauch, "Defence Planning as Strategic Fact"
English | ISBN: 0367417235 | 2019 | 148 pages | EPUB | 434 KB
Defence Planning as Strategic Fact provides and elaborates on an "upstream" focus on the variegated organizational, political and conceptual practices of military, civilian administrative and political leaderships involved in defence planning, offering an important security and strategic studies supplement to the traditional "downstream" focus on the use of force.

, "Defence Innovation and the 4th Industrial Revolution: Security Challenges, Emerging Technologies, and Military Implicati"
English | ISBN: 1032213981 | 2022 | 192 pages | EPUB | 1122 KB
This book examines the implications of disruptive technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on military innovation and the use of force. It provides an in-depth understanding of how both large and small militaries are seeking to leverage 4IR emerging technologies and the effects such technologies may have on future conflicts.

Çağlar Kurç, "Defence Industries in the 21st Century: A Comparative Analysis"
English | ISBN: 0367444534 | 2020 | 228 pages | EPUB | 1002 KB
Defence Industries in the 21st Century explores the transformation in the global defence industrial production through examining the interaction between international and domestic factors.

Paul Winter, "Defeating Hitler: Whitehall's Secret Report On Why Hitler Lost the War"
English | ISBN: 1441196358 | 2012 | 432 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
Published for the very first time, the top secret report Some Weaknesses in German Strategy and Organisation 1933 - 1945 was prepared by Whitehall's highest intelligence body, the Joint Intelligence Committee, and presented to Britain's Chiefs of Staff in 1946 to 'set down certain aspects of the War whilst there are still sources available who were closely connected with the events described'. Paul Winter sets this unique and important document in its historical setting, providing biographies of key figures referenced in the report and a timeline of the crucial events of the Second World War.

U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, "Defeat at Kasserine: American Armor Doctrine, Training, and Battle Command in Northwest Africa, World War II"
English | ISBN: 1500823139 | 2014 | 98 pages | EPUB | 1236 KB
The 1st Armored Division was the first American armored unit to enter combat against German panzer divisions in World War II. A product of the contentious mechanization process between the First and Second World Wars, the division soon found itself to be outmatched by its German foe. Following a relatively easy victory against the Vichy French after the amphibious landings of Operation Torch, the division lost a series of battles to the Germans, culminating in a decisive defeat at Kasserine Pass. Doctrine (both institutional and equipment), training, and battle command all proved to be problematic for the division. The central question is: Did the 1st Armored Division lose the battle of Kasserine Pass because of deficiencies in American armor doctrine, training, or battle command? An analysis of the Tunisian campaign focusing on these three areas demonstrates that faulty training and inept battle command were partially responsible for the division's defeat; however, the primary reason the 1st Armored Division lost the battle of Kasserine Pass was that it operated in accordance with flawed institutional doctrine and utilized inferior equipment.

John Haught, "Deeper Than Darwin: The Prospect For Religion In The Age Of Evolution"
English | ISBN: 0813365902 | 2003 | 256 pages | EPUB | 608 KB
In his acclaimed book God After Darwin , John Haught argued that religious belief is wholly compatible with evolutionary biology. Now, in Deeper Than Darwin , he advances his argument further by saying that religious belief is even more revealing about life than Darwinism. Haught looks hard at the question of how, after Darwin, religions may plausibly claim to be bearers of truth and not just of meaning and adaptive consolation. While he assumes the fundamental correctness of evolutionary biology, he firmly rejects the non-scientific belief that evolutionary biology amounts to an adequate explanation of living phenomena. Even though Darwinism is illuminating, Haught argues, it by no means tells us everything we need to know about life, even in principle. To find the deepest, though certainly not the clearest, understandings of life and the universe, we may still profitably consult the religions of the world.

Deep Learning Applications, Volume 4
English | 2023 | ISBN: 9811961522 | 394 Pages | PDF (True) | 15 MB
This book presents a compilation of extended versions of selected papers from 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA 2021). It focuses on deep learning networks and their applications in domains such as healthcare, security and threat detection, fault diagnosis and accident analysis, and robotic control in industrial environments. It highlights novel ways of using deep neural networks to solve real-world problems, and also offers insights into deep learning architectures and algorithms, making it an essential reference guide for academic researchers, professionals, software engineers in industry, and innovative product developers. The book is fourth in the series published since 2017.

Howard Burton, "Deconstructing Genius: A Conversation with Darrin McMahon"
English | ASIN : B08N1FHSZX | 2020 | 71 pages | EPUB | 0,3 MB
This book is based on an in-depth conversation with intellectual historian Darrin McMahon, Dartmouth College. The word "genius" evokes great figures like Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Mozart but what quintessential quality unites these individuals? Can we measure it? Can we create it? This conversation explores Darrin McMahon's research on the evolution of genius from Plato to Einstein in an effort to illuminate what our evolving genius mythology reveals about the rest of us.

John Gooch, "Decisive Campaigns of the Second World War"
English | ISBN: 0714633690 | | 206 pages | EPUB | 364 KB
Success or defeat in the Second World War turned less on winning or losing battles than on winning or losing campaigns. This volume reassesses the importance of seven major campaigns for the outcome of the war. The authors examine a wide range of factors which influence success or failure including strategic planning, logistics, combat performance, command and military intelligence. This book represents a novel contribution to the study of the Second World War.

Peter Dennis, "Decision by Default "
English | ISBN: 0367635445 | 2021 | 258 pages | EPUB | 272 KB
Britain's vast losses of men in the first world war produced a revulsion against conscription. Originally published in 1972, Peter Dennis here describes how conscription was introduced once more in 1939, when pressure from within Britain and from France forced the British Government to reverse its position.