Joshua Forstenzer, "Deweyan Experimentalism and the Problem of Method in Political Philosophy "
English | ISBN: 1032093544 | 2021 | 294 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
This book proposes a pragmatist methodological framework for generating practically relevant political philosophy. It draws on John Dewey's social and political philosophy to develop an "experimentalist" method, thus charting a middle course between idealism and realism in political philosophy. Deweyan experimentalism promises to balance civic deliberation, empirical facts, and moral considerations by reconstructing Dewey's pragmatist conceptions of 'philosophy' and 'democracy' from the perspective of social action. While some authors have taken the steps to articulate Dewey's experimentalism, they have focused on institutional rather than methodological implications. This book is original in the ways in which it situates the role of ideas in political practice and contemporary political problems. Additionally, it underlines the similarities between today and the historical context in which Dewey wrote, connects Dewey's social and political philosophy to Greek and Roman mythology, and concludes with a timely case study in which the author's methodological insights are applied. The result is a book that offers a focused reconstruction of Dewey's work and shows its relevance for engaging with contemporary issues in political philosophy and political theory.

Alison Weber, "Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World "
English | ISBN: 1472424913 | 2016 | 374 pages | EPUB | 986 KB
Devout laywomen raise a number of provocative questions about gender and religion in the early modern world. How did some groups or individuals evade the Tridentine legislation that required third order women to take solemn vows and observe active and passive enclosure? How did their attempts to exercise a female apostolate (albeit with varying degrees of success and assertiveness) destabilize hierarchies of class and gender? To the extent that their beliefs and practices diverged from approved doctrine and rituals, what insights can they provide into the tensions between official religion and lay religiosity? Addressing these and many other questions, Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World reflects new directions in gender history, offering a more nuanced approach to the paradigm of woman as the prototypical "disciplined" subject of church-state power.

Neville, "Devon Women in Public and Professional Life, 1900-1950: Votes, Voices and Vocations"
English | ISBN: 1905816766 | 2021 | 294 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
This book is one of the first to study the regional role of women in public and professional life, breaking new ground in early twentieth-century local and gender history.

Angela Joy Muir, "Deviant Maternity: Illegitimacy in Wales, c. 1680-1800 "
English | ISBN: 036789680X | 2020 | 262 pages | EPUB | 1436 KB
This is the first-ever book to explore illegitimacy in Wales during the eighteenth century. Drawing on previously overlooked archival sources, it examines the scope and context of Welsh illegitimacy, and the link between illegitimacy, courtship and economic precarity. It also goes beyond courtship to consider the different identities and relationships of the mothers and fathers of illegitimate children in Wales, and the lived experience of conception, pregnancy and childbirth for unmarried mothers. This book reframes the study of illegitimacy by combining demographic, social and cultural history approaches to emphasise the diversity of experiences, contexts and consequences.

Peter Gill, "Developing Intelligence Theory: New Challenges and Competing Perspectives"
English | ISBN: 0367138433 | 2018 | 126 pages | EPUB | 821 KB
Developing Intelligence Theory analyses the current state of intelligence theorisation, provides a guide to a range of approaches and perspectives, and points towards future research agendas in this field. Key questions discussed include the role of intelligence theory in organising the study of intelligence, how (and how far) explanations of intelligence have progressed in the last decade, and how intelligence theory should develop from here.

Jon Scott Logel, "Designing Gotham: West Point Engineers and the Rise of Modern New York, 1817-1898 "
English | ISBN: 0807163724 | 2016 | 280 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
Between 1817 and 1898, New York City evolved from a vital Atlantic port of trade to the center of American commerce and culture. With this rapid commercial growth and cultural development, New York came to epitomize a nineteenth-century metropolis. Although this important urban transformation is well documented, the critical role of select Union soldiers turned New York engineers has, until now, remained largely unexplored. In

Peter Shapely, "Deprivation, State Interventions and Urban Communities in Britain, 1968-79 "
English | ISBN: 1409451623 | 2017 | 372 pages | EPUB | 517 KB
Focusing on a series of policy initiatives from the late 1960s through to the end of the 1970s, this book looks at how successive governments tried to address growing concerns about urban deprivation across Britain. It provides unique insights into policy and governance and into the socio-economic and cultural causes and consequences of poverty.

Cathleen Sarti, "Deposing Monarchs: Domestic Conflict and State Formation, 1500-1700 "
English | ISBN: 0367359804 | 2021 | 248 pages | EPUB | 297 KB
Deposing Monarchs analyses depositions in Northern Europe between 1500 and 1700 as a type of frequent political conflict which allows to present new ideas on early modern state formation, monarchy, and the conventions of royal rulership.

Stephen W. Sawyer, "Demos Assembled: Democracy and the International Origins of the Modern State, 1840-1880"
English | ISBN: 022654446X | 2018 | 272 pages | EPUB | 506 KB
Previous studies have covered in great detail how the modern state slowly emerged from the early Renaissance through the seventeenth century, but we know relatively little about the next great act: the birth and transformation of the modern democratic state. And in an era where our democratic institutions are rife with conflict, it's more important now than ever to understand how our institutions came into being.

Andrew Burstein, "Democracy's Muse: How Thomas Jefferson Became an FDR Liberal, a Reagan Republican, and a Tea Party Fanatic, All the Whil"
English | ISBN: 0813937221 | 2015 | 270 pages | EPUB | 1082 KB
In political speech, Thomas Jefferson is the eternal flame. No other member of the founding generation has served the agendas of both Left and Right with greater vigor. When Franklin Roosevelt dedicated the iconic Jefferson Memorial on the founder's two hundredth birthday, in 1943, he declared the triumph of liberal humanism. Harry Truman claimed Jefferson as his favorite president, too. And yet Ronald Reagan was as great a Jefferson admirer as any Democrat. He had a go-to file of Jefferson's sayings and enshrined him as a small-government conservative.