Overcoming Failure by Denis McBrinn
English | MP3@192 kbps | 41 min | 56.5 MB
Overcoming failure is the ability to recover and become stronger as a result of dealing with challenging and difficult events that all of us experience in our lives. This audio is designed to help you to overcome failure by adopting a GROWTH attitude. Chapter 2 of this audio looks specifically at how to bounce back from redundancy with practical advice on taking stock and planning your way forward.In our culture we have been conditioned to fear failure. We hate to make mistakes, dislike criticism and don't like to appear stupid in the eyes others. Whether it is in our careers, business, education, relationships, sport or in life generally, we don't want others to think of us as failures. In some cases we will deny or cover things up rather than admit mistakes. It's because everyone loves a winner. Everybody needs to love and to be loved. If we don't win then the fear is that we may not be enough and we won't be loved.But this is not reality. No one is perfect. No one is right all the time and no one wins all the time. Studies of very successful people reveal that they faced many setbacks and had many failures along the way to ultimate success.The value of failure is in the learning and the growth that it provides. Without learning and growth, failure can be a destructive force in our lives. But don't let it. Get back up, Reframe the picture positively; identify your Options, find a Way forward, think appreciation and Work your socks off! With your GROWTH attitude, failure is just temporary and you will bounce back and achieve your potential.Losing our job is something we all fear and it that can certainly impact on our confidence and self-esteem. But, being made redundant need not be the calamity it first appears to be. With the right attitude you can bounce back and turn it into an opportunity for finding a job you're really passionate about.But remember it is jobs or roles that are made redundant - not people. You can only become redundant if you see yourself as that job role. You may find yourself out of work for a while, but that does not have to mean the end of your working life.

Outer Red: Part Two by Jeff Walker
English | MP3@192 kbps | 2h 10m | 178.9 MB
The second part of the exciting fairytale space adventure! The Goldilocks continues to flee as the enemy hunts them down. During their escape into the Old Sultan Solar System, Commander Red and her computer companion Grimm encounter three space stations. Three little protectors named Pegg. These three monitor and protect the region of space around the core world inside the system. Red must reach that world if she is to save the Galactic Kingdom from certain doom. Is the mission in jeopardy? Will the Wolf Hunter vessel destroy them before they can reach their destination?

Our Miss Brooks: Taxidermy by Al Lewis
English | MP3@192 kbps | 29 min | 40.5 MB
Miss Brooks becomes a taxidermist. Her first job is Mr. Conklin's prize bass! For many teachers June 17th marks the last day of regular school term and this also applies to our Miss Brooks who teaches English at Madison High School but unlike many other teachers however, she had volunteered for summer school duty.

Opportunity by Denis McBrinn
English | MP3@192 kbps | 12 min | 17.6 MB
This short audio presentation by Dr Denis McBrinn and narrated by Sara Dylan is designed to bring a clear definition of what opportunity is, how to seize it, and to give you a relaxing moment to focus and reflect on the level of opportunity currently in your life."The pessimist sees the problem with every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every problem" Winston Churchill.Life's opportunities are not always immediately obvious.Opportunities can come to us disguised as problems, difficulties and challenges.Sometimes all it takes is a subtle change in thinking to make the most of them. There are no shortage of problems in this world.But within every problem lies an opportunity to create a better solution.

One Knight's Stand by Tanya Anne Crosby
English | MP3@192 kbps | 1h 50m | 152.1 MB
Tanya Anne Crosby continues the MacKinnon legacy with a brand new series, One Knight Forever.Bound for a marriage she hopes will save her cousin from the gibbet, Lady Elizabeth Louise Wolfe finds herself en route to Scotland to marry the younger son of a known traitor to the Crown. Fate intervenes when, on the way, she checks into an inn and registers as the "MacKinnon's bride."

On the Embankment by Hugh E. Wright
English | MP3@192 kbps | 43 min | 60.2 MB
A short story from the British Library Tales of the Weird collection Glimpses of the Unknown. One of the author's earliest pieces of short horror fiction, 'On the Embankment' introduces us to London's homeless population as they fight for space on seats to sleep each night. However, no matter how busy it is or desperate the sleepers are, there's always one seat that is mysteriously left empty...

Old-fashioned Narratives : Volume Two by Vladimir Odoyevsky
English | MP3@192 kbps | 5h 31m | 455.4 MB
The long-awaited second volume of Vladimir Odoyevsky's excellent prose is here at last, delivering more titillating gossip, astute society remarks, a touch of mysticism, a healthy dose of the ridiculous, and much more.

Old Flame by Will Patching
English | MP3@192 kbps | 1h 10m | 97.1 MB
A dark and disturbingly twisted 'short shot':

Olalla by Robert Louis Stevenson
English | MP3@192 kbps | 1h 38m | 134.7 MB
"Olalla"is ashort storyby theScottishnovelist, poet, essayist andtravel writerRobert Louis Stevenson. It was first published in the Christmas 1885 issue ofThe Court and Society Review, then re-published in 1887 as part of the collectionThe Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. It is set in Spain during thePeninsular War.

Og-Grim-Dog: The Three-Headed Ogre by Jamie Edmundson
English | MP3@192 kbps | 4h 11m | 345.4 MB
Two heads are better than oneThree can be a real pain in the arseWe are Og-Grim-Dog!