Free Download Live Music Photography 101: Shooting & Editing Gig Photos
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Live-Music-Photography-101-Shooting-Editing-Gig-Photos/284409322
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :342MB
Do you want to get started as a live music photographer? Or maybe you just need some help levelling up your photos at gigs?

Free Download Lighting Tips & Tricks: Get Professional Studio Lighting at Your Home
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Lighting-Tips-Tricks-Get-Professional-Studio-Lighting-at-Your-Home/1251984236
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :374MB
In this class, I will guide you withlighting tips and tricksI have learned in my professional career. We will check out the lightingexamplesforsmall props/productson a table andportraitsusing the Clamshell Technique. I will also bring youbehind the scenesto share how I created the lighting setup used in this class.

Free Download Learn to Paint: 15 Steps to Being a Better Watercolor Artist
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Learn-to-Paint-15-Steps-to-Being-a-Better-Watercolor-Artist/1133838843?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :2.3GB
In this video series, artist Paul Richmond breaks down the fundamentals of watercolor painting into 10-minute exercises that will help you learn the tools, techniques, and skills of this popular medium. Students will create one original painting from start-to-finish during this course, each lesson containing another step in the process. You will be amazed at how much your painting skills will improve in a short time with focused, daily practice. Paul's gentle, lighthearted approach will make learning fun and keep you coming back for more.

Free Download Learn How to Create VFX for Instagram TikTok Posts using Adobe After Effects
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Learn-How-to-Create-VFX-for-Instagram-TikTok-Posts-using-Adobe-After-Effects/673556013
Genre / Category:3D Tutorials
File Size :312MB
In this Adobe After Effects class we are going to learn visual effects by creating Card Bord Effect VFX. This class is great for Beginner level as well as expirienced VFX artists. This is a great way to introduce yourself to Adobe After Effects, and also learn few skills if you already familiar with this software.

Free Download Leaf Patterns in Illustrator – A Graphic Design for Lunch™ class – Vectorize Drawings 3 Ways
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Leaf-Patterns-in-Illustrator-A-Graphic-Design-for-Lunch%E2%84%A2-class-Vectorize-Drawings-3-Ways/1120679916
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :707MB
Graphic Design for Lunch™ is a series of short video courses you can study in bite size pieces such as at lunchtime. In this course you'll learn to turn drawings into vector objects in Illustrator and to then make seamless repeating patterns from them. You will learn three different ways to vectorize your art from drawing the objects yourself to using Image Trace to trace designs in two different ways with two different results. Along the way you will build new Illustrator skills and learn tools and techniques you can use every day in your workflow. By the time you have finished this course you will be able to turn drawings into vector objects and to make patterns ready for sale and use.

Free Download Lalten Modeling in Maya
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Lalten-Modeling-in-Maya-3D/1080004013
Genre / Category:3D Tutorials
File Size :465MB
NURBS modeling techniques are used in the visual effects industry for creating highly detailed, hard surfaced models.

Free Download Kawaii Cats: Draw Adorable Chibi Kitties Step By Step!
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Kawaii-Cats-Draw-Adorable-Chibi-Kitties-Step-By-Step/2123540907
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :357MB
Hi, I'm Patricia Caldeira, a professional artist, and in this class, we'll be drawing Adorable Chibi Cats.

Free Download Its Day 1 In After Effects | Adobe After Effects Masterclass
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Your-Day-1-in-After-Effects-Adobe-After-Effects-Masterclass-Part-1/1100658071
Genre / Category:3D Tutorials
File Size :278MB
Adobe After Effects is one of the industry standards when it comes to post-production, visual effects, motion graphics and is one of the hot favorite software of post-production enthusiasts. This Masterclass is divided into different sections and is for all After Effects lovers ranging from Beginners to Pros. The Masterclass is divided into several sections. All of these sections are dedicated to teaching you a specific skill acquired through After Effects. Basic Video Editing is discussed in Section 1 of the Day, while the Intermediate Section gives an insight into some better things like the adjustment layer. The Advanced Section gives the complete idea of Rotoscoping, Keying and Compositing while the Effects section is especially for people who want hands-on demonstration of Animations. Tracking Section is definitely a must for all 3d Lovers. In short, this course will pack a lot of information for you, no matter what level of usage you are at. One more thing is not only will we learn what a function does, but we will also learn how it happens and why it is performed.

Free Download Introduction to Adobe Illustrator: Creating Custom Silhouette Art
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Introduction-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Creating-Custom-Silhouette-Art/523911626
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :435MB
In this class, I will start by teaching you the advantages of using vector artwork in your projects and getting you familiar with the Adobe Illustrator interface. Then we'll move on to setting up your workspace, creating a new project, and learning how to master the pen tool. Throughout the process, I'll teach you all shortcuts I use most frequently in my own work and you will discover how these techniques can be used in a variety of projects moving forward.

Free Download Human Figures in Watercolor: A Beginner's Guide to Painting People
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Human-Figures-in-Watercolor-A-Beginners-Guide-to-Painting-People/454142337
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :725MB
Are you excited to try painting loose and expressive human figures, but feel a little intimidated? Don't worry, you're not alone! Painting people in watercolor can seem complex, but understanding the basics can actually make painting human figures easier and more fun.