Free Download Peter Coulson Photography – How I Make My Jeans
Content Source:https://inspire.peter-coulson.com.au/workshops/stylist-hair-make-up/how-i-make-my-jeans
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :706MB
At long last, after many requests over many years, Peter is finally showing you how he shreds his iconic jeans! If you are going to attempt to shred your own in the way Peter does, please be careful and we are not liable for any injury.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief: Assignment 2 REVIEW
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/working-to-a-brief-challenge-2-review/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :890MB
For our second 'Working to a photography brief' challenge, Karl tasked members with photographing a bottle of red wine on a grey background (an image based on one of his own previous shots).

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief: Assignment 1 LAUNCH
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/working-to-a-photography-brief/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :837MB

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Umbrella Lighting
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/umbrella-lighting/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :738MB
Umbrellas are some of the most prolific lighting modifiers, with many photographers owning, or using, them at least once in their career. However, many photographers often quickly upgrade to other modifiers such as softboxes, beauty dishes or even parabolic reflectors without fully realising exactly what they could achieve with umbrellas.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Technical Tools Tilt-Shift Product Shoot
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/tilt-shift-product-photography-technical-tools/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :1.4GB
This live show focuses on the technique of tilt-shift photography as Karl demonstrates how to shoot an arrangement of products using this technique. Building up light by light, in this live show Karl demonstrates how to use a combination of gradient light, point light sources and global fill to create a beautiful final shot of these shiny objects and shows you why using tilt-shift is the best option to get the ideal results. The material of these tools adds an extra level of challenge. But with clever problem solving and some carefully placed lights Karl reveals how you can add some beautiful specular highlights. This show contains a setup and concepts that can be easily adjusted to suit a variety of products from cosmetics to technical tools. Karl touches on the concept of angles of incidence and reflectance and how to calculate where you need to place a light in your setup to illuminate your products – an important principle that will help make your photoshoots run smoother. He also shows you where to focus and how to adjust your tilt shift adapter or lens to get the correct results.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Studio Backgrounds
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/studio-backgrounds/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :157MB
Backgrounds are the foundation on which we build our photographs. A background can make or break an image, so it's crucial that you understand how to work with them.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Sourcing Clothing and Styling for Fashion Shoots on a Budget
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/styling-for-fashion-shoots/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :398MB
Photographing models in the latest high-end garments is nice work if you can get it. But when you're still learning the ropes of fashion photography and looking to build your portfolio, you may not be sure how to style a fashion photoshoot. Plus, you may need to stay within a tight budget as you source clothing for your shoots. In this class, Georgie offers lots of fashion-styling tips and takes you through a range of options for sourcing clothes for photoshoots affordably. She looks at different materials and even lets you in on some DIY hacks for faking those luxury items you can't quite afford. You'll also discover advice on how to work with a stylist – a crucial skill for any emerging fashion photographer.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Shooting in a Small Photography Studio: 6 Tips
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/shooting-in-a-small-photography-studio-6-tips/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :118MB
With over 25 years of professional photography experience, in this episode, I'm offering advice on how you can make the most of small studio spaces and how you can control your lighting from bouncing around all over the place. I get lots of comments on this topic, many photographers are working from home or a garage or simply don't have a large studio and they often struggle to control their lighting. A small number of my photos have required a larger space. I now use my own studio for these shoots but in the past, I've rented studios or warehouses to get the job done. Most of my commercial photography jobs don't require much more than a few meters so here's my 6 steps on how you can shoot great images in a small space.

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Shadowless Lighting for Photographing Products on White
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/shadowless-lighting-for-photographing-products-on-white/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :743MB
In this live show, Karl demonstrates a useful technique for creating shadowless lighting when photographing products on a white background. This technique is often required for e-commerce or catalogue product photography and is something we've been asked about a lot. To help you achieve this look Karl demonstrates a start-to-finish shoot showing the simple technique that can be used to achieve this. To start, Karl shows how one would normally light products on white (you can find more in-depth demonstrations on this in classes such as our packshot product photography class, high-end headphones product shoot, or rings jewellery photography shoot). The problem with this technique is that it can be very difficult to eliminate shadows entirely, which is what is often required when shooting e-commerce products. The solution to this is actually very simple and requires nothing more than a simple change of background material. In the show Karl demonstrates exactly how to achieve this shadowless lighting, thereby eliminating the need to spend hours in Photoshop doing cutout work. He then goes on to show a simple trick to make cutout work even easier and how to easily change the background colour in Photoshop!

Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Polarising Light in Studio Photography
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/live-workshop-polarising-studio-light-and-why/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :1.2GB
Polarising studio light can be incredibly useful in commercial photography. But you have to know why, when and how to do it. This knowledge will equip you with an extra level of control, which is particularly useful when shooting reflective or shiny surfaces, or even shots with multiple surface textures. In this class, Karl explains what polarised light is and demonstrates how it works through three different practical shoots. He explains the difference between polarising your light and polarising the lens, what each does, and what happens when you do both.