Clasped Hands Self Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Meditation by Key Guy Technology LLC
English | MP3@192 kbps | 04 min | 5.6 MB
Welcome to Clasped Hands Self Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Meditation, this is a powerful hypnosis script that helps you learn to Clasped Hands. Hypnosis is theorized to work by altering your state of mind, it does this in such a way that the left brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right side is made alert. The conscious mind is slowed down and the subconscious mind is made more alert. This professional made Hypnosis Script Was created and copyrighted by Key Guy Technology LLC.

Born to Win by J.Steele
English | MP3@192 kbps | 44 min | 61.4 MB
Life is stressful - it's a fact. Instead of shying away let's make the most of it!

Blood Brothers by Dusty Sharp
English | MP3@192 kbps | 2h 21m | 191.6 MB
A hardened criminal. A gut-wrenching revelation. Loyalty, brotherhood, and honor will be tested to the breaking point.

B. J. Harrison Reads The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
English | MP3@192 kbps | 16h 03m | 1323.6 MB
France and Great Britain are waging a fierce war for the control of the North American colonies. Cora and Alice Munro are two sisters who travel through the forest to visit their father - Colonel Munro. Major Duncan Heyward and an Indian named Magua escort the two girls. However, unbeknownst to them, many dangers are lurking in the forest and stand reading to strike unsuspecting travellers.Is the risk of travelling through the forest worth it? Will Hayward and Magua manage to protect the two girls from all the dangers? Could a French ambush be waiting for them in the forest?Find all the answers in Cooper's novel "The Last of the Mohicans" from 1826.

Audacious by Doreen Taylor
English | MP3@192 kbps | 1h 00m | 82.9 MB
Audacious: Thriving Through Trauma, highlights Doreen's amazing journey by narrating her inner thoughts in poetic prose. In her writings, she also honours 20 women who have assisted her as she supported them. It is a book that will encourage women to think about their lives, enabling them to inspire and empower themselves and others. Doreen was very young when she lost her mother and for nearly 45 years she experienced trauma that led to many painful situations. Having cancer led her to retire early from her career. She became an ordained minister as well as a public speaker whilst on the road to recovery. She has supported many females of all ages across diverse backgrounds and cultures who have experienced losing their mother and bridging the generation gap of the missing pieces as they required as a mother figure.Doreen has survived and thrived through trauma and now wants to help others achieve their freedom towards a healthy, wealthy state of wellbeing to achieve their goals. This book is the first step towards that goal.This poetry audiobook was recorded and produced at Monkeynut Audiobooks in Hampshire, England.www.monkeynutuk.com

Anxiety and Avoidance: The Essential Guide on How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety, Learn Strategies and Useful Tips on How to Completely Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your Life by Antoine Rafferty
English | MP3@192 kbps | 47 min | 64.9 MB
Anxiety and Avoidance: The Essential Guide on How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety, Learn Strategies and Useful Tips on How to Completely Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your LifeIt is now very common to hear the phrase "I'm so stressed out!" I was surprised to even hear the phrase from a 7 year old because I was thinking when I was that age, I didn't even know the word stress. It just proves that the word "stress" has become so common that even kids are using the word.Pressure surrounds our everyday life and these pressures can cause our anxiety and stress. It is important that we know how to cope with these feelings so we don't become overwhelmed with them. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue in the US and studies show that stress accounts for 80 percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.This audiobook will teach you how to recognize stress and anxiety. You will discover how to manage and cope with it so you can maintain your health and well-being.In this audiobook, you will discover the following:- Why Are We So Stressed Out?- Blocking Behaviors That Keep Your Stress Alive- Stress or Anxiety?- Dealing With Panic Attacks- Calm Yourself With Visualization- Using Music to Beat Stress- Self-Hypnosis for Stress- Stress Management- Stress Busters- Taking a Break- Relaxing at WorkNo one can say that they have a way to completely eliminate stress from your life. Stress is simply a part of everyday life that we have to deal with. But what we can do is learn how to manage it and make stress actually work for us.If you want to learn more about anxiety and stress management, scroll up and click "add to cart" now!

André's Mechanic by Nikki Sex
English | MP3@192 kbps | 10h 19m | 850.2 MB
I'm a young woman who's not only rich and famous, but also looking for love.

Accelerated Learning by Cory Hanssen
English | MP3@192 kbps | 1h 09m | 95.8 MB
Many people underestimate the value of awareness and consciousness when it comes to learning. Keeping information in that big brain of yours can be challenging if you don't apply the right methods to do so.

A Witch in the Peak by R. Murray Gilchrist
English | MP3@192 kbps | 10 min | 13.8 MB
Robert Murray Gilchrist (1867 - 1917) was an English novelist and author of short stories often set in the Peak District. He is best known today for his Gothic short horror stories, which earn him a deserved position alongside the likes of Stevenson, Stoker, Wilde and Stenbock.A Witch in the Peak tells the story of a money-lender trying to recover a debt from an old woman who has been recently widowed. She throws him out of her house with a curse... and what happens next terrifies the man almost to death.

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
English | MP3@192 kbps | 15h 20m | 1264.2 MB
A Tale of Two Cities is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. With well over 200 million copies sold, it ranks among the most famous works in the history of fictional literature. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution, the corresponding brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and many unflattering social parallels with life in London during the same time period. It follows the lives of several protagonists through these events.