Movavi PDFChef 2021 v21.1.0 Multilingual | macOS | 37 mb
Looking for a PDF reader for Mac with good editing tools? Most of the software for Mac that you can find online for download is not that great. Free desktop apps usually lack advanced options and have inadequate formatting tools, and higher-quality paid programs can be out of the question because of their high price.

Bartender 4.0.45 | macOS | 11 mb
Bartender lets you organize your menu-bar apps by hiding them, rearranging them, or moving them to Bartender's Bar. You can display the full menu bar, set options to have menu-bar items show in the menu bar when they have updated, or have them always visible in Bartender's Bar.

WISO steuer: 2021 v11.04.2082 | macOS | 453 mb
NEW for 2020 tax returns: tax WISO: - Germany's popular tax software for the Mac!

Adobe Zii 2021 6.0.9 universal Patcher | macOS | 8 mb
Adobe Zii is a small and great utility which helps you forget about all issues with the registration of all Adobe existing products

aText 2.37 Multilingual | macOS | 8 mb
Typing accelerator - Text macro utility for Mac. aText accelerates your typing by replacing abbreviations with frequently used phrases you define: for example, make an abbreviation "myname" to insert your name "First Middle Last" in any application.

Principle 6.3 | macOS | 7 mb
Principle makes it easy to create animated and interactive user-interface designs. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle lets you create designs that look and feel amazing.

HistoryHound 2.3.2 | macOS | 11 mb
HistoryHound is for you if you ever tried to find something in your browser history or bookmarks, but couldn't quite remember when or where you saw it. Or perhaps you've got your bookmarks meticulously organized, but it takes forever to mouse through the menus to get to something you want? HistoryHound will chase down the page for you - fast!

File Juicer 4.93 Multilingual | macOS | 6 mb
File Juicer is a drag-and-drop can opener and data archaeologist. Its specialty is to find and extract images, video, audio, or text from files which are hard to open in other ways. In computer forensics this is called carving.

Data Guardian 6.0.8 | macOS | 34 mb
Data Guardian is a secure database application. Security and privacy are two of the most important issues in today's world; leaving passwords on sticky notes around your computer simply will not cut it anymore. Data Guardian is a secure database application with up to 448-bits of Blowfish encryption - regardless of how sensitive your data is.

Adobe XD v38.0.12 Multilingual | macOS | 440mb
Adobe XD is made for designers like you, by designers like us. It's the fastest way to design, prototype, and share any user experience, from websites and mobile apps to voice interactions, and more.