Usher 2.0 (4589) | macOS | 19 mb
Usher (was yFlicks) is the ultimate tool for managing and watching your collection of videos. View your library in four view modes; watch movies in three ways. You can even use your Apple hardware remote to control playback and choose movies.

USBclean 3.6.1 | macOS | 6 mb
The most powerful USB cleaning utility ever made! Quickly and easily remove pesky junk and ghost files from your external USB drives. .DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices. Remove any number of pre-configured filetypes, or add your own custom filetypes for more flexibility.

TurboMosaic 3.6.2 | macOS | 85 mb
TurboMosaic is a photomosaic software that lets you make the most amazing picture mosaics with little effort - we bet you'd be pleasantly surprised with the quality of results.

Timeless: Alarm Clock 1.9.2 | macOS | 18 mb
Timeless is the best and most gorgeous alarm clock and reminder app for your Mac. With its beautiful and easy to use interface, Timeless is a pleasure to use and will integrate seamlessly into your workflow, from morning till night.

TextMate 2.0.17 | macOS | 23 mb
TextMate brings Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors. By bridging UNIX underpinnings and GUI, TextMate cherry-picks the best of both worlds to the benefit of expert scripters and novice users alike.

Tetraface Inc Metasequoia 4.7.6 macOS | 93.6 Mb
Three-dimensional model design, especially the creation of human or animal-like characters, requires some knowledge in this area and, most importantly, a set of suitable tools for the job. For those who made some 3D creations using various specialized software solutions and need to work on them without having to install each program again, a utility like Metasequoia can be the right choice.

Templates for Pages - DesiGN 7.1 | Multilingual | macOS | 32 mb
The modern and polished Templates for Pages - DesiGN supplies a collection of over 4,000 easy-to-use templates for creating business and personal content with Apple's Pages. It's the biggest templates pack for Pages on the App Store. We provide regular monthly updates with new templates.

Templates for Keynote - DesiGN 7.0 Multilingual | macOS | 26 mb
Templates for Keynote - DesiGN set consists over 670 high-quality designs for Keynote presentations, infographics and data visualization templates. These are more than just beautiful backgrounds - each one of them includes up to 25 different master slides, which lets you choose the best layout for your information.

SyncBird Pro 3.3.9 | macOS | 25 mb
SyncBird Pro is an iPhone file manager that makes iOS sync and iTunes cleaning at a glance. Transfer music, playlists, photos, videos, books-everything-between your iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac without using iTunes. SyncBird's exclusive features named PhoneCare and TunesClean are made to reclaim more free space on your iPhone and iTunes.

Screenium 3.2.16 | Multilingual | macOS | 37 mb
Record exactly what you see on the screen and turn it into a screencast in next to no time. Screenium 3 lets you record at 60 frames per second, offering optimum performance for your tutorials, gameplay recordings or any other screen content you wish to record.