flac VBR 647 Kbps | | 04:47:20 |1.2 GB
01. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Versus: Deus in adiutorium (01:04)
02. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Antiphona: Tecum Principium - Psalmus 109 (03:09)
03. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Antiphona: Redemptionem - Psalmus 110 (03:31)
04. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Antiphona: Exortum est - Psalmus 111 (03:35)
05. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Antiphona: Apud Dominum - Psalmus 129 (02:38)
06. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Capitulum: Multifariam (00:37)
07. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. Responsorium breve: Verbum caro (01:55)
08. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 8. Hymnus: Christe Redemptor (03:01)
09. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 9. Versus: Notum fecit Dominus (Alleluia) (00:34)
10. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 10. Antiphona: Hodie Christus - Canticum B.M.V. Magnificat (04:59)
11. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 11. Kyrie Eleison (00:18)
12. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 12. Pater Noster (01:27)
13. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 13. Oratio: Concede, quaesumus (00:51)
14. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 14. Versus: Dominus vobiscum (00:11)
15. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 15. Versus: Benedicamus (00:39)
16. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 16. Versus: Fidelium Animae (00:18)
17. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Benedictio: Jube - Lectio brevis: Fratres, sobrii estote (01:05)
18. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Confessio: Confiteor Deo omnipotenti (01:27)
19. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Versus: Converte nos - Deus in adiutorium (01:00)
20. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Antiphona: Miserere - Psalmi 4, 90, 133 (06:43)
21. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Hymnus: Te lucis ante terminum (01:03)
22. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Capitulum: Tu autem (00:26)
23. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. Responsorium breve: In manus tuas (01:12)
24. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 8. Versus: Custodi nos - Antiphona: Salva nos - Canticum Simeonis: Nunc dimittis (02:39)
25. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 9. Kyrie eleison - Pater noster - Oratio: Visita, quaesumus - Versus: Benedicamus - Benedictio: Benedicat (02:30)
26. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 10. Antiphona: Alma redemptoris Mater - Versus: Post partum virgo - Oratio: Deus qui salutis aeternae - Versus: Divinum auxilium (03:08)
27. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Gratiam tuam (03:06)
28. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - concede, misericors Deus (02:48)
29. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Deus, qui per resurrectionem (03:00)
30. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Omnipotens sempiterne Deus (04:23)
31. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Dominus dixit ad me (03:21)
32. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Kyrie IX (02:26)
33. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Gloria IX (03:15)
34. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Deus, qui hanc sacratissimam noctem (01:04)
35. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Apparuit gratis Dei (01:26)
36. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Tecum principium (06:36)
37. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Alleluia c. v. Dominus dixit ad me (02:46)
38. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Exiit edictum (03:35)
39. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Credo V (04:26)
40. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Laetentur coeli, c. v. Cantate Domino (04:48)
41. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Accepta tibi sit (00:45)
42. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Quia per incarnati (02:39)
43. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Sanctus IX (01:56)
44. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Per quem haec omnia (01:23)
45. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Pater noster (02:00)
46. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Pax Domini (00:14)
47. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Agnus Dei IX (01:38)
48. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - In splendoribus, c. v. Dixit Dominus (03:50)
49. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Da nobis, quaesumus (01:02)
50. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Ite, missa est IX (00:33)
51. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Introitus: Resurrexi (Ps. 138, 18, 5-6) (05:41)
52. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Kyrie (01:55)
53. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Gloria (02:38)
54. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Oratio: Deus qui hodierna die (01:11)
55. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Epistola :1 Cor. 5, 7-8 (01:06)
56. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Graduale: Haec dies (04:03)
57. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. Alleluja (01:36)
58. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 8. Sequentia: Victimæ Paschali laudes (01:58)
59. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 9. Evangelium: Marc. 16, 1-7 (02:48)
60. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 10. Credo (Messe de Pâques) (03:47)
61. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 11. Offertorium: Terra tremuit (01:46)
62. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 12. Praefatio (03:02)
63. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 13. Sanctus (02:09)
64. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 14. Pater Noster (01:58)
65. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 15. Agnus Dei (01:48)
66. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 16. Communio: Pascha nostrum (02:59)
67. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 17. Postcommunio: Spiritum nobis (01:50)
68. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Introitus: Signum magnum apparuit (04:15)
69. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Kyrie IX (01:55)
70. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Gloria IX (02:57)
71. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Oratio: Omnipotens sempiterne Deus (01:21)
72. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Lectio Epistolae (Iudith 13): Benedixit te Dominus (01:51)
73. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Graduale: Audi, filia (05:31)
74. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. Aleluia: Assumpta est (02:00)
75. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 8. Lectio sancti Evangelii (Luc. 1, 41-50): Repleta est Spiritu Sancto Elisabeth (02:40)
76. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 9. Credo III (03:44)
77. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 10. Offertorium: Inimicitias ponam inter te - Salvavit sibi (Ps. 97, 2-3) (03:59)
78. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 11. Oratio super oblata: Ascendat ad te, Domine (00:29)
79. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 12. Praefatio: Et te in Assumptione (03:14)
80. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 13. Sanctus IX (02:11)
81. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 14. Doxologia: Per quem haec omnium (00:47)
82. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 15. Pater Noster (01:32)
83. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 16. Libera nos (01:02)
84. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 17. Pax Domini (00:15)
85. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 18. Agnus IX (01:23)
86. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 19. Communio: Beatam me dicent - Recordatus (Ps. 97, 3-7) (03:25)
87. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 20. Postcommunio: Sumptis Domine (00:57)
88. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 21. Ite, missa est (01:59)
89. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Kyrie (02:26)
90. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Gloria (02:27)
91. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Credo III (03:37)
92. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Sanctus (01:47)
93. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Agnus Dei (01:21)
94. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Ite, missa est (00:38)
95. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Antiphona: Asperges me (01:59)
96. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Kyrie (Missa XVI) (01:18)
97. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Gloria (Missa XV) (02:18)
98. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Credo II (03:57)
99. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Sanctus (Missa XVIII) (01:09)
100. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. Agnus Dei (Missa XVIII) (01:11)
101. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. Ite, missa est (Missa XV) (00:20)
102. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Antiphona: Hosanna filio David (00:54)
103. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Oratio: Benedic, quæsumus Domine (01:06)
104. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Antiphona: Pueri Hebraeorum, portantes - Psalmus 23 (04:37)
105. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Antiphona: Pueri Hebraeorum vestimenta - Psalmus 46 (05:54)
106. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Evangelium: Matthaeum 21, 1-9: In illo tempore (03:42)
107. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 6. De Processione, Antiphona 1: Occurrunt turae (00:52)
108. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 7. De Processione, Antiphona 2: Cum Angelis et pueris (00:30)
109. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 8. De Processione, Antiphona 3: Turba multa (00:45)
110. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 9. De Processione, Antiphona 4: Coeperunt omnes (01:34)
111. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 10. Hymnus: Gloria, laus et honor tibi sit (04:58)
112. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 11. De Processione, Antiphona 5: Omnes collaudant - Psalmus 147 (03:27)
113. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 12. De Processione, Antiphona 6: Fulgentibus palmis (01:01)
114. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 13. Responsorium: Ingrediente Domino (02:43)
115. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 14. Oratio: Domine Jesu Christe (01:21)
116. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Christus vincit (09:05)
117. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - Te Deum laudamus (04:57)
118. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 1. Responsorium: Libera me Domine (05:11)
119. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 2. Kyrie (00:31)
120. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 3. Oratio: Fidelium Deus omnium (01:44)
121. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 4. Antiphona: In paradisum (01:03)
122. Anonymous (Gregorian Chant) - 5. Antiphona: Ego sum resurrectio - Canticum Zachariae: Benedictus Dominus Deus (04:15)


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