flac VBR 652 Kbps | | 05:26:23 |1.5 GB
01. John Dowland - 17. Come again: Sweet love doth now invite (02:44)
02. John Dowland - 18. His golden locks time hath to silver turn'd (03:13)
03. John Dowland - 2. Flow my tears (04:06)
04. John Dowland - 18. It was a time when silly bees could speake (02:28)
05. John Dowland - 3. Sorrow, sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (03:28)
06. John Dowland - 5. Can she excuse my wrongs (02:44)
07. John Dowland - 17. A Shepherd in a shade (02:51)
08. John Dowland - 2. Time stands still (04:07)
09. John Dowland - 9. Go, crystal tears (03:16)
10. John Dowland - 1. I saw my Lady weepe (05:18)
11. John Dowland - 21. Away with these self-loving lads (02:44)
12. Thomas Campion - 1. Now hath Flora rob'd her bowers (02:54)
13. Thomas Campion, Thomas Campion - 1. Author of light (03:02)
14. Thomas Campion - 21. Come, let us sound with melody, the praises (01:54)
15. Thomas Campion, Thomas Campion - 1. Oft have I sighed (03:39)
16. Thomas Campion - 7. Turn back, you wanton flyer (01:45)
17. Anonymous (Traditional) - This Merry Pleasant Spring (02:09)
18. Anonymous (Traditional) - There were three ravens sat on a tree (04:05)
19. Anonymous (Traditional) - The Dark is my Delight (01:05)
20. Anonymous (Traditional) - A poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree (05:11)
21. Anonymous (Traditional) - Miserere my Maker (03:37)
22. Anonymous (Traditional) - Where the Bee Sucks (01:09)
23. Anonymous (Traditional) - O Death, Rock me Asleep (04:17)
24. Gabriel Fauré, Paul-Armand Silvestre, Jonathan Tunick - Voyageur, où vas-tu, marchant (01:44)
25. Gabriel Fauré, Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Jonathan Tunick - La nuit, sur le grand mystère (02:28)
26. Gabriel Fauré - 2. Arpège (02:29)
27. Gabriel Fauré, Paul Verlaine - 2. En Sourdine (03:15)
28. Gabriel Fauré, Jonathan Tunick - Pavane (05:19)
29. Nikolai Medtner, Jonathan Tunick, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Das Veilchen (03:21)
30. Nikolai Medtner, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jonathan Tunick - 2. Mailied (02:28)
31. Nikolai Medtner, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jonathan Tunick - 5. Aus Claudine von Villa-Bella, "Liebliches Kind!" (02:32)
32. Nikolai Medtner, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jonathan Tunick - Aus Erwin und Elmire 'Sie liebt mich!' (01:18)
33. Nikolai Medtner, Jonathan Tunick - Introduzione - Gesang der Nymphen (04:20)
34. Heitor Villa-Lobos - Canção do Amor (1958) (04:01)
35. Heitor Villa-Lobos - VIII. Pálida Madona (03:21)
36. Heitor Villa-Lobos - 1. Ária (Cantilena) (06:02)
37. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 1. Ya zhdu tebya (I wait for thee) (01:55)
38. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 9. Ona, kak polden′, khorosha (She is as lovely as the noon) (02:34)
39. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 2. K nei (To Her) (02:09)
40. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 3. V molchan'i nochi tainoi (In the silence of the secret night) (02:46)
41. Sergei Rachmaninoff - Lentamente. Molto cantabile (04:56)
42. Ned Rorem - 1. More Than a Look (01:21)
43. Ned Rorem - 2. More than a Word (02:05)
44. Ned Rorem - 3. More than a Room (01:50)
45. Ned Rorem - 4. More than a Mirror (03:42)
46. Ned Rorem - 5. More than a Day (01:24)
47. Ned Rorem - 6. More than a Rock (01:53)
48. Ned Rorem - 7. More than the Air (01:52)
49. Ned Rorem - 8. My Brain is Littered (06:24)
50. Ned Rorem - 9. Oh Love - See How the Flowers Maste (04:28)
51. Ned Rorem - I. Prologue (Variation 1) (01:21)
52. Ned Rorem - II. The Tune - Calm and Sad (01:07)
53. Ned Rorem - III. Variation 2 (00:59)
54. Ned Rorem - IV. Variation 3 (01:27)
55. Ned Rorem - V. Variation 4 (00:27)
56. Ned Rorem - VI. Variation 5 (01:42)
57. Ned Rorem - VII. Variation 6 (02:14)
58. Ned Rorem - VIII. Variation 7 (01:03)
59. Ned Rorem - IX. Variation 8 (02:29)
60. Ned Rorem - X. Variation 9 (01:40)
61. Ned Rorem - 1. The Lover in Winter, Plaineth for the Spring (01:28)
62. Ned Rorem - 2. Hey Nonny No! (01:26)
63. Ned Rorem - 3. My Blood So Red (01:01)
64. Ned Rorem - 4. Suspiria (00:18)
65. Ned Rorem - 5. The Miracle (02:01)
66. Ned Rorem - 6. Tears (01:43)
67. Ned Rorem - 7. Crabbed Age and Youth (01:25)
68. Jake Heggie - 1. Countertenor's Conundrum (05:14)
69. Jake Heggie - 2. The Trouble with Trebles in Trousers... (Pitch Can Be a Bitch!) (04:18)
70. Alessandro Scarlatti - I. Introduzione - Grave (01:31)
71. Alessandro Scarlatti - II. Cançao do Amor, W546 (01:14)
72. Alessandro Scarlatti - III. Minuetto (00:45)
73. Alessandro Scarlatti - IV. ] Nel silenzio comune (01:41)
74. Alessandro Scarlatti - V. Nel dormir l'anima mia (05:23)
75. Alessandro Scarlatti - VI. ] E pure, e pure voi dormite (00:45)
76. Alessandro Scarlatti - VII. Pupile care (01:59)
77. Alessandro Scarlatti - VIII. ] Ma no, dormi, ben mio (00:52)
78. Alessandro Scarlatti - IX. Se negasti vegliando (01:58)
79. Alessandro Scarlatti - X. ] Filli, Filli crudele destati (01:25)
80. Alessandro Scarlatti - XI. Acciò che rimbombe intorno al ben mio (01:40)
81. Alessandro Scarlatti - No. 1 Aria 'Ferma omai, fugace e bella' (03:02)
82. Alessandro Scarlatti - No. 2 Recitativo 'Ovunque il guardogiri' (02:11)
83. Alessandro Scarlatti - No. 4 Aria 'Va, va che i lamenti miei' (04:54)
84. Alessandro Scarlatti - I. Clori vezzosa, e bella (00:52)
85. Alessandro Scarlatti - II. Volgi lo sguardo (02:33)
86. Alessandro Scarlatti - III. Vivo, vivo penando (00:57)
87. Alessandro Scarlatti - IV. Sì, ben mio, sì (02:54)
88. Alessandro Scarlatti - I. Piango, sospiro e peno (03:01)
89. Alessandro Scarlatti - II. Ah' crudele/Non ti basta (02:48)
90. Alessandro Scarlatti - III. ] Sì, sì che in cener disciolto il cor vedrai (00:46)
91. Alessandro Scarlatti - IV. Povero core/Dopo la morte (02:02)
92. Alessandro Scarlatti - V. Dunque tormenti e scherni (01:07)
93. Alessandro Scarlatti - VI. L'amarti o Filli (00:24)
94. Alessandro Scarlatti - I. Recitative: Non so qual più m'ingombra. (02:55)
95. Alessandro Scarlatti - II. Aria: Che sara? Chi'a me lo dice?. (05:37)
96. Alessandro Scarlatti - III. Recitative: E nato, al fin mi dice. (01:17)
97. Alessandro Scarlatti - IV. Pastoral Aria: Nacque, col Gran Messia. (07:11)
98. George Frideric Handel - Overture (01:25)
99. George Frideric Handel - (Allegro) (01:59)
100. George Frideric Handel - (Gigue) (01:51)
101. George Frideric Handel - No. 1 Recitativo accompagnato "Frondi tenere" (00:46)
102. George Frideric Handel - No. 2 Arioso: "Ombra mal fu" (02:47)
103. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Siam giunti, Elviro" (00:29)
104. George Frideric Handel - No. 3 Sinfonia e Recitativo: "Sento un soave concento" (01:50)
105. George Frideric Handel - No. 4 Arioso e Recitativo: "O voi, che penate!" (02:27)
106. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Arsamene!" - "Mio Sire!" (00:23)
107. George Frideric Handel - No. 5 Aria: "Va godendo vezzoso e bello" (01:57)
108. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Quel canto a un bel amor" (01:18)
109. George Frideric Handel - No. 6 Aria: "lo le diro che l'amo" (01:38)
110. George Frideric Handel - Aria: "Tu le dirai che l'ami" (01:40)
111. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Arsamene!" - "Romilda" (01:14)
112. George Frideric Handel - No. 7 Aria: "Si, si, mio ben, si, si" (02:31)
113. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Presto, signor" (01:14)
114. George Frideric Handel - No. 8 Aria: "Meglio in voi col mio partire" (02:13)
115. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Eccoti Il foglio, Elviro" (00:35)
116. George Frideric Handel - No. 15 Arietta: "Signor, signor, lasciate far a me" (00:30)
117. George Frideric Handel - No.16 Aria: "Non so, se sia la speme" (04:38)
118. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "E pazzo affe!" (00:50)
119. George Frideric Handel - No. 32 Aria: "Quella che tutta fe" (04:21)
120. George Frideric Handel - No. 33 Coro di marinari: "La virtute sol potea" (00:22)
121. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Ariodate!" (00:34)
122. George Frideric Handel - Coro di marinari: "La virtute sol potea" (00:24)
123. George Frideric Handel - No. 34 Ariosa: "Per dar fine alla mia pena" (01:13)
124. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Arsamene, ove andante?" (01:24)
125. George Frideric Handel - No. 35 Aria: "Si, la voglio e la otterro!" (02:49)
126. George Frideric Handel - Sinfonia (03:07)
127. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Sono vani i pretesti" (01:44)
128. George Frideric Handel - No. 44 Arietta: "No, no, se tu mi sprezzi" (01:08)
129. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Ecco in segno di fe" (01:16)
130. George Frideric Handel - No. 45 Aria: "Per rendermi beato" (04:04)
131. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Ubbidiro al mio re? (01:11)
132. George Frideric Handel - No. 46 Aria: "Amor, tiranno Amor" (04:33)
133. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Come gia vi accennammo" (00:48)
134. George Frideric Handel - No. 47 Aria: "Del ciel d'amore" (02:24)
135. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Il suo serto rifiuto!" (02:56)
136. George Frideric Handel - No. 48 Aria: "Cagion son io del mio dolore" (02:29)
137. George Frideric Handel - Recitativo: "Romilda infida, e di me pensa ancora?" (00:20)
138. George Frideric Handel - No. 49 Duetta: "Troppo oltraggi la mia fede" (02:41)
139. George Frideric Handel - No. 53 Coro: "Ritorna a noi la calma" (01:30)


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