STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 7 | 2.0 Gb
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Bentley Systems Incorporated is pleased to announce the availability of STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 7. Perform comprehensive analysis and design for any size or type of structure faster than ever before using the new release.
STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 7 - Release Notes.
The following identifies the new features and enhancements that have been added in the CONNECT Edition V22 Update 7 of STAAD.Pro. These features have been selected to allow STAAD.Pro to deliver a greater range of capabilities required by engineers around the world.
Physical Modeling Workflow
- Multiple analysis
- Define collections of load cases and combinations with differing analysis requirements in a single physical model.
- Tapered members
By defining the change in depth of a beam at the start/end the appropriate properties are automatically created and analysed as typically used in metal building frames.
- Improved Structure Wizard
Additional templates and tool to edit the script.
Analytical Modeling Workflow
- ASCE 7 - 2016 combination generation
Rules added as per the ASCE 7 publication to allow rapid combination generation based on defined load categories.
- Chinese Response Spectrum Loading
Additional dynamic load option provided for projects in China.
- Plate offset supporting P-Delta analysis Extending the range of methods supported by finite element plates specified with offsets to improve model representations.
Chinese Steel Design Workflow
- New inbuilt workflow
The Chinese Steel Design module previously provided as a standalone application SSDD, is now incorporated into the main application to provide a more seamless workflow.
The following identifies the new features and enhancements that have been added in the CONNECT Edition V11 of RCDC, which is installed with STAAD.Pro.
- Addition of Australian code - AS 3600:2018,
Columns and Walls, Footings, Beams and Slabs can now be designed in RCDC using AS 3600:2018 and output can be generated
Note: Design of Pile-cap is available in this code as "Technical Preview".
- Addition of Belgium Annex for BS EN Code.
NBN EN 1992-1-1 (ANB: 2010) (Belgium annex) has been added in RCDC. It is available for design in all the modules including water-tank structures.
- Addition of BS EN Base / Custom Code for all modules.
Users can now modify specific parameters (from base EN code) to create a 'Custom' annex to suit local design standards.
- Design of Tank Structures for Base EN code, Singapore Annex and Malaysian Annex
Design of tank structures is now available for the Base Euro code (BS EN 02-1-1-2004), Singapore annex (SS NA) and Malaysian Annex (MS NA)
- Factored or Unfactored Earthquake/ Wind Load (ASCE) for design using ACI code -
RCDC now allows user to define type of load for EQ and Wind from analysis as factored or Unfactored. The standard template of load combinations has load factors consistent with the choice made by the user.
- Joint check for Ductile column design using Euro Code
For columns when "Ductile Design - High" option is selected by user, now Joint check would be performed as per BS EN 1998-1-2004 code.
- Footing Module - Effect of Ground Water Table in soil pressure check and sizing for all types of footing
Effect of buoyancy due to ground water is now considered in the minimum pressure check of footing design.
STAAD Foundation Advanced
The following identifies the new features and enhancements that have been added in the CONNECT Edition V9 Update 6 of STAAD Foundation Advanced, which is installed with STAAD.Pro.
General mode and Toolkit mode
- Design of isolated footings to the 2019 edition of Canadian A23.3
- Service load checks: soil pressure, contact area, stability (sliding & overturning), uplift
- Ultimate load checks: flexure, one-way shear, development length, two-way shear, bearing
- Checking the adequacy of user-defined footing sizes
- Determination of optimum footing sizes
General mode
- Design of mat foundations to the 2019 edition of Canadian A23.3
- Creation of the mat physical model - geometry, loads, soil springs, pile springs
- Mesh generation and creation of a FE (analytical) model
- Analysis using the STAAD.Pro Analysis engine
- Soil pressure, contact area and stability check reports
- Design for flexure, creation of reinforcement zones based on moments from the FE analysis
- Design for punching shear
487627 Analysis/DesignEngine - The format of the design report for the Japanese steel design codes AIJ 2002 and 2005 have been slightly modified in order to provide additional space for very long named section profiles which previously were being truncated.
487629 Analysis/DesignEngine - The processing of the seismic definitions has been updated to trap a situation where the use of an invalid weight specification (e.g. a JOINT WEIGHT using FY instead of WEIGHT) which previously caused the analysis to crash.
487635 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design routine SELECT OPTMISED has been updated for use with the ASCE and South African codes to clarify that wide flange sections that have been defined with cover plates are not supported with this routine. The use with the Australian design code has also been updated to prevent the routine from crashing. Additionally the messaging provided for use with the Japanese and US codes has also been modified in some places to provide clearer feedback on the designs.
487642 Analysis/DesignEngine - The reported slenderness details for angle profiles designed AISC 360-05/10 has been updated. The slenderness check for singles angles correctly considers the effective slenderness calculations as prescribed in section E5 which was reported for the limit state checks. However, the actual slenderness ratio was reported only considering the L/r or KL/r based on clause E2 axial compression or tension. The output now also accounts for clause E5 in the output.
487653 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design of concrete elements to the ACI 318-11 design code has been updated to address an issue which was incorrectly storing the values defined as SKY and SKZ parameters as the yield strength FYMAIN.
487661 Analysis/DesignEngine - The processing of the IS 1893 seismic load definition has been updated to trap a memory allocation issue which could occur that would result in the analysis crashing.
487682 Other Workflows - The wind load routine to ASCE-7 2010 has been updated to correct the value of of GCpi that is determined by the application based on the structure definition, although can be manually overridden.
487685 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine for determining the shear areas of pipe and round HSS sections when designed to AISC N690 1984 and 1994 versions has been updated to be consistent with the methods used for other AISC design routines.
487693 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used to display a warning message when designing to IS 800 section 12 has been updated to check for the values of the parameters SSY and SSZ. If these are set to 0, this indicates they are not included in a seismic frame and thus any warning messages relating to section 12 checks do not apply.
487705 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design routine for checking torsion to DG9 in AISC 360-05 and AISC 360-10 has been updated too provide a clearer message when encountering a member that may have loading that cannot be accounted for in the checks.
487728 Documentation and Printing - The details in the verification example 'ASCE-7-16 Wind Generation on Tank' has been updated to correct a typo in the equation that determines Q. The validation itself remains correct.
487729 Documentation and Printing - The path provided to the sample model reported in in the Indian concrete verification 'IS13920 2016-Relative Strength Check has been corrected.
487741 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Indian concrete design routine to IS 13920:2016 has been updated to catch and remove a number of incorrectly reported,
487752 Analysis/DesignEngine - The AISC 360-16 steel design routine for tee-sections has been updated to correct the values of X0 and Yo which had been inverted..
487792 Post Processing Workflow - The Results Along Line routine has been updated for displaying results on cut-lines that result in multiple segments. When displaying the results for a single segment other than the first segment, these now show the results where previously there would be no values.
487794 Post Processing Workflow - The stress results 'Max Absolute' reported in the' Results Along Line' table has been corrected to ensure that the values are reported are consistent with the results for the plate centre stress analysis results.
487795 Analysis/DesignEngine - The output report for a trapezoidal member design to ACI 318 (2002/2005/2008/2011) has been updated to remove unnecessary details.
487871 Analysis/DesignEngine - The output for steel design routine for API (American Petroleum Institute) has been updated to clarify that open sections (i.e. non tubular profiles) are checked using the AISC ASD 9th Edition.
487888 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The tool provided in the analytical workflow to stretch a selected member and connect to another has been updated to improve its ability to make a suitable connection.
487897 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Canadian Concrete design routine has been updated to trap and report that members defined with a trapezoidal profile are not currently supported. Preciously this would have caused the application to crash.
487926 Analysis/DesignEngine - The concrete column design routine for the Indian IS 13920:2016 code has been updated with direction specific warning messages to clarify the tests performed when a column is designed which has supporting beams in orthogonal directions.
487956 Analysis/DesignEngine - The AISC 360-16 torsion design checks have been updated to include an additional check for HSS profiles to ensure they do not exceed a limit of depth to thickness ratio of 260.
487998 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Canadian steel design routine for S16-14 has been updated to now support producing output in both English and metric units.
488009 Analysis/DesignEngine - The torsion design in Eurocode 3 activated with the parameter TOR, has been updated with inclusion of rotation of the section due to bending about minor axis (phi x My,Ed) to torsional moment (Mx,Ed).
488036 Documentation and Printing - The details of verification AISC 360-10 - D-2 has been updated to include details of NSF (Net Section Factor) and SLF (Shear Leg Factor) which are required in this verification.
488038 Analysis/DesignEngine - The steel design routine used for the New Zealand NZS 3404:1997 has been updated to ensure that the sign of the bending moment is correctly accounted for when determining the moment magnification factor.
488083 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Canadian concrete design routine CAN/CSA A23.3-94 has corrected the method used for processing a MINSEC parameter which was failing to assign the correct bar diameter.
488123 Physical Modeling Workflow - The routine for generating beta angles on members defined in a physical model has been updated. Previously if an existing model is updated the beta command is assigned to the member list rather than the PMEMBER list.
488202 Generic GUI Updates - The Load Definition dialog has been updated to support editing of files defined with a Time History load definition which uses the spectrum definition.
488204 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The GUI dialog provided for editing a time history forcing function in a given load case has been updated to ensure that all relevant options provided in the dialog are activated as necessary such as the Response Type to allow the REL or ABS method to be selected.
488212 Generic GUI Updates - The dialog used to edit a time history definition has been updated to ensure that if a time step has been specified (i.e. DT), then this value is displayed in the dialog and retained. Previously this was not being displayed such that when the edit was concluded, the specified value was removed from the file and a default value used.
488236 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used in the Indian concrete design to IS 456 has been enhanced such that if the model include finite element plates, then these will be used in the calculations that is reported if the command CONCRETE TAKE OFF in included following the design.
488260 Documentation and Printing - A new topic has been added to the user documentation that provides details on the use of the MEMORY command. TR.1.4. Memory Allocation describes the use of this command to help when the automatic memory allocation is determined to be insufficient.
488287 Post Processing Workflow - The Post Processing routine used to display time history graphs has been updated to include labels for the vertical axes on the Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration graphs.
488303 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design of double angle members to the Eurocode 3 EN1993-1-1 has been enhanced with an additional test regarding the spacing of the connections indicated with the LVV parameter to ensure that it meets the requirements in table 6.9 of the code.
488337 Analysis/Design Engine - The default steel strength defined as FYLD for the South African steel Design code was not being initialised resulting that if the design would produce a utilisation ratio of infinity. If FYLD is not specified, the default is now being taken as 300 MPa as described in the user documentation.
488410 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The tool provide in the design parameters for the AISC ASD code for determining the values to use with KY and KZ parameters has been updated to correct a calculation issue that resulted in the routine always producing a value of 0.5.
488468 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design routine used for the torsion checks to the T114 publication with AISC ASD (9th Edition) when the TOR parameter has been included has been updated to report at the locations of the peak stresses on the flange rather than centre of gravity.
488515 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design routine for the BS5950 part 1 steel design code has been updated to clarify the governing load case when the governing ratio is defined by lateral torsional buckling checks in section 4.3.6. Additionally the method for determining the axial force used for these calculations where necessary has been updated.
491804 Documentation and Printing - The documentation topic TR.38 Change Specification' has been updated to include clarification that following its use, if a MASETR-SLAVE command has been specified, then this would be reset and if required in the following analysis it should be re-specified.
492676 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design of members to ACI 318-14 has been updated to dress an issue which was causing the design process to crash when the design should fail and then next step in the analysis/design process.
504760 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used to report the material summary with the CONCRETE TAKE OFF command when used with the IS 13920:2016 code has been updated to better handle the large numbers that can be generated which previously would have not fitted in the provided format and thus shown as ******** symbols.
511125 Analysis/DesignEngine - The SELECT OPTIMISED routine used with the Eurocode EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to ensure that the value used to position the centre of gravity of a channel and wide flange sections are updated to account for changes for each profile during the design process.
531800 Generic GUI Updates - The routine used to display the section property details of user defined UPT pipe sections in the Member Query dialog has been updated to ensure that the value of the wall thickness is correctly reported.
532748 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine that determines the bar diameter of stirrups in concrete beams designed to the Indian IS 456 code has been updated to ensure that where a smaller diameter bar/spacing is adequate in a given zone, then that is reported. Previously on occasion only the spacing was revised and thus some sections reported a larger bar than was necessary.
542390 Post Processing Workflow - The routine used in the Post Processing Workflow to determine the forces along a cutline, 'Results Along A Line', has been updated to improve the resolution of forces that apply to the plates and reported in the Shear Force summary perpendicular to the line in the plane of the plates, i.e. T-axis.
554981 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used in the New Zealand steel design to NZS 3404 has been updated to ensure that the slenderness checks account for the direction of the axial load at both ends and thus members in pure tension do not get limited by the compressive slenderness requirements.
560974 Analysis/DesignEngine - The output for a member designed with a serviceability envelope to the AISC 360-16 design code has been updated by removing the force details which are not relevant to this output.
560975 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used by the design of steel members to AISC 360-16 has been updated to catch and process members defined in a UPT was type GENERAL, but have no values of TB or TD defined (i.e. thickness of the flange or web). Previously this would cause the program to terminate.
561450 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine that is used to determine the slenderness of single angles in the Indian steel design code IS800:2007 LSD code has been updated to ensure that it uses the effective length of the appropriate axis. Note this issue applied to angles specified with either the ST or RA. This issue did not apply with the IS 800:2007 WSD designs.
563172 Analysis/DesignEngine - The response spectrum analysis routine used with solid finite element entities has been updated to correct the values of eigen vectors being used would cause the analysis to crash. An additional correction has been made to address issues specific to the IS 1893 response spectrum analysis.
563698 Physical Modeling Workflow - The Physical Model analysis commands (see the ribbon Loading>Analysis Commands) that were introduced in Update 6 have been extended to support multiple analysis sets. each analysis set is a definition of analysis requirements and collection of load cases which can be sorted and activated/Deactivated as necessary. This then determines how the load data is populated in the STD file and consequently the analyses performed. Note that if the combination method selected in the Options dialog is set to REPEAT LOAD rather than superposition, then the combinations can also be selected and assigned to an analysis set.
563699 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The range of methods to create the dynamic response spectrum loadings has been enhanced with an additional option to use the method defined in the Chinese publication GB 50011-2010. This has introduced a new selection option in the GUI with supported parameters.
563700 Physical Modeling Workflow - The range of beam member definitions supported in the physical model workflow has been enhanced with the ability to define members with tapering webs by assigning a different depth at the start and and of the member. Note that the option allows for the depth at the start and/or end of the member to be determined by the assigned profile or be specifically specified for that location.
563701 Other Workflows - The Chinese Steel Design workflow that was introduced in Update 5 has been updated to improve the user experience. Previously, this launched the SSDD application which performed the steel design task to the Chinese code. This method of launching a separate application has been replaced with code that is now fully integrated into the main STAAD.Pro GUI. Note that whilst most of the capabilities that were available in the previous version are provided in the same or similar way, there are a number of capabilities that have not been migrated. Refer to the user documentation for this workflow for full details.
563702 Analysis/Design Engine - The checks for torsion irregularity to IS 1893 (Part 1):2016 which has been implemented in STAAD.Pro has been updated with Amendment 2, Note that this change has resulted in a number of changes in the way the tests are performed and the way the checks are reported.
563706 Generic GUI Updates - The Load Combination generator tools provided in the Analytical and Physical loading routines have been updated with an additional set of rules for the 2016 edition of the ASCE 7 publication.
567080 Physical Modeling Workflow - The analytical node generation routine used by the Physical Model Workflow when meshing the physical model into the analytical elements has been updated to improve the prevention of duplicate node generation which could result in an error reporting identical node generation.
572777 Analysis/Design Engine - The design routine for single angles to GB50017 used by the Chinese Steel Design Workflow (previously SSDD) has been up dated. The value of lambda for stability is dependant on connectivity and if not suitably connected, should be calculated according to clause 7.2.2. This has now been implamented.
573206 Analysis/DesignEngine - The section classification routine used for T section and Channel sections during SELECT and SELECT OPTIMIZED operations in the IS 800 LSD and WSD designs has been updated. The web slenderness ratio is given priority while calculating the max ratio of section classification. Thus if a section fails in section classification although may pass other tests, it will be rejected and the next section will be chosen for the design.
576032 Other Workflows - The routine used to assign New Zealand Gusset Plate Column-Beam connections (CBB) to member ends in the Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to address an issue which was previously preventing the GUI from assigning these.
576623 Analysis/DesignEngine - The output of the steel design to AISC 360-16 has been updated. The detailed output provided with a TRACK 2 setting now clarifies that the value previously shown as Cb is in fact the lateral torsional buckling factor applied to Cb, and thus shown as Cbf.
577472 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine for designing tube profiles to the Russian code SP 16.13300:2017 has been updated to ensure correct identification of the critical location. Previously this resulted in incorrectly determining ϕex and ϕey (FIex and FIey) as used in Eq.120 and thus incorrect section capacity.
577762 Other Workflows - The routine used in the Steel Connection Workflow to to highlight Beam-Beam Brace joints has been updated to ensure that these are selected when requested.
579845 Analysis/DesignEngine - The concrete beam design routine used by the Indian IS 456 design code has been updated to improve the method used to determine and report the stirrup bar size and spacing due to an issue encountered at times when processing the term ASV/SV.
580339 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine that is used at the start of any analysis that reserves memory for the data ands results generated during the analysis has been updated. Under most situations the estimate and the allocation of computer memory can operate satisfactorily, but there are situations, where multiple analyses are included in a file which can lead to the analysis actually requiring more memory that was estimated resulting in the analysis terminating. This would either be displayed as a message in the output fie suggesting the use of the MEMORY command or could, in extreme situations result in the analysis crashing whilst attempting to use memory that was not available. For optimal memory utilization it is recommended to use the SET NL command whenever using multiple analysis and using the CHANGE command .
582019 Physical ModelingWorkflow - The Physical Model Workflow process that handles models created from older versions of STAAD.Pro where the profiles were defined using the SPC database rather than the main STAAD.Pro database introduced in Update 5 to handle a situation where the SPC cache would prevent the application from reading the profile information.
582317 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Indian concrete design routine to IS 456 has been updated to ensure that a temporary file used during the process is closed at the end of the design . Previously, if a steel design followed in the same analysis run, then this would result in the program crashing.
583821 Physical ModelingWorkflow - The Physical Modelling Workflow along with the physical model Structure Wizard and Physical model Load Combination Generation tool have been updated to address an issue that would lock the program if the Windows Regional Settings were such that the decimal separator was set as a comma.
587159 Generic GUI Updates - The action of the Restore View layout button in the top right corner of the main window has been updated to address an issue which prevented the action from operating.
588036 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used in the design of angle with lips and zee section profiles to the AISI:2016 design code has been updated to address an issue where the angle of the lips were not correctly accounted for.
588964 Documentation and Printing - The details of the Results Along A Line described in the What's New topic RR 22.02.00-4.3 Results Along a Cut Line has been updated to clarify the meaning of the value Mts as being 'Torque moment perpendicular to the cut line'.
590546 Other Workflows - The routine used for calculating the wind pressure profiles as per the ASCE-7 design codes has been updated such that when the structure is defined as Enclosed or Partial Enclosed and is classed as flexible, then it will use the formula p = qz.Gf.Cp - qh(GCpi). Where the building is defined as an Open Building and is classed as Rigid, then it will use the formula p = qz.Gf.Cp
590775 Generic GUI Updates - The ASCE 7 2010 wind load routine has been updated to ensure that a default value of 1.8 is assigned to the Cf parameter when the structure type is set to Lattice Structure.
590855 Generic GUI Updates - The calculation used to determine the gust factor in the older ASCE-7 load definition tool (2010 and earlier) has been updated to correctly account for the frequency and damping input values for flexible structures. Additionally the gust factor calculation has been updated for determining the gust factor for rigid structures of category C and D.
590899 Physical Modeling Workflow - The routine used by the Physical Model Workflow to create a mesh of finite elements from a physical surface has been updated to introduce a test on the generated elements to validate the alignment and improve the quality of the generated analytical model.
591507 Documentation and Printing - The verification example GB 50011-2001 Static Seismic - Case2 has been updated with details of the horizontal seismic coefficient calculation.
592226 Other Workflows - The method used by the Connection Design Workflow to process models defined without a specific materiel strength such as with a basic STEEL material has been updated so that these will be taken to have a default yield strength of 36 ksi and ultimate strength of 58 ksi. Previously without a specific strength specified, this would cause the application to crash.
592228 Other Workflows - The routine used to design steel member end connections of type Horizontal Gusset Column Beam-Column connection ( HCBB) or Horizontal Gusset Beam-Beam connection (HBBB) has been updated to address an issue that occurred in opening a connection created in a model in an earlier version of STAAD.Pro that result in STAAD.Pro terminating.
592234 Other Workflows - The method used by STAAD.Pro when entering the Connection Design Workflow to manage the profile databases has been modified. As this workflow utilises the RAM Connection system for the connection design, it needs to coordinate the STAAD.Pro and RAM Connection databases. This can be a slow process if all databases are checked, hence there is an option in the RAM Connection Settings dialog to indicate which databases should be checked. If the model is now identified to include a profile which is not in one of the selected databases, a warning will be displayed and the option given to add this to the settings if connections will be intended to be assigned on members with this profile.
592537 Analytical ModelingWorkflow - The Isotropic Material definitions dialog has been updated to ensure that when setting the values of FY and FU for a standard steel material, these are retained and assigned to the standard material for the current model.
592547 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used in the Australian steel design code AS 4100:1998 for SELECT and SELECT OPTMISE has been updated to sequence the checks in a way that now allows the member slenderness checks to be performed in line with the other required checks to result in a better reported section profile.
592870 Physical ModelingWorkflow - The method used by the Physical Model workflow to update the associated STD file has been updated to ensure that if this file contains additional steel design information, that is retained with the updates from the modifications that have been introduced by changes in the physical model.
592905 Analysis/DesignEngine - The method used to determine collinearity in the IS 13920 codes using the COMBINE parameter has been modified to improve the tolerance test to validate that the defined members do indeed lie in a line.
594450 Interoperability - The StrucLink module that is available in the backstage of the Analytical Workflow that can be used to create a iTwin digital model (ISM) has been updated to prevent the mapping file from being overwritten.
594656 Physical Modeling Workflow - The method used by the Physical Modelling Workflow to process undo/redo when multiple objects have been selected and modified has been updated to ensure that the change is undone on all the selected objects, not one in the list.
594722 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Russian steel design routine SP 16.13300:2017 has been updated to ensure that members that are not designed are reported in the post processing Design Results table as -1. Previously some members which could not be designed would be reported with values of -0.01
597605 Analysis/DesignEngine - The steel design routine for web tapered wide flange members to IS800:2007 (LSD and WSD) has been updated to ensure that the data from the analysis is correctly managed.
600492 Other Workflows - The rules that are included for automatically calculating load combinations to the ASCE 7:2010 code have been updated to address the requirements for load categories that are classed as FLUID or SOIL.
600524 Other Workflows - The process used by the Steel AutoDrafter Workflow has been updated to catch members that have been defined as concrete profiles and include them on generated drawings. This corrects an issue that was introduced in the V22 Update 6 release.
602815 Analysis/DesignEngine - The torsion check routine used in the Eurocode 3 steel design to EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to so that the value of Mw,Ed is modified to be taken as: E * Iw * φ''/(h-tf).
602843 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Russian steel design code SP 16.13300:2017 has been updated to address an issue discovered in reporting the details of the design checks in the output file that resulted in the location of the maximum and hence ratio being misidentified. However the table in the post processing workflow correctly indicated the maximum utilization.
603858 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design check in the Japanese design code AIJ 2002 for determining the limit of D/t has been modified to set the threshold as 23500/(yield strength). Previously this was set as 23500/sqrt(yield strength).
603959 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Japanese steel design modules AIJ 2002 and 2005 have been updated to ensure that the value reported for the bending Z moment values (tension).
604460 Other Workflows - The Connection Design workflow routine that process a baseplate connection on a taper member that is to be designed to the IS800 :2007 design code has been updated to catch an issue that would cause the design process to crash.
605719 Analytical ModelingWorkflow - The dialog used for defining a time history forcing function has been updated to ensure that if the values are defined in the table which extends beyond the space available, then a vertical scroll bar is provided for access to the data outside the displayed region.
605984 Analysis/DesignEngine - The routine used to produce the output for BS 5950 Part 5 and CAN/CSA S136-94 has been updated to ensure that the it uses the details from the database 'STAADname' column rather than the 'Name' column which would mean that where these differed the results of the design would not be included in the output.
607244 Analysis/DesignEngine - The SELECT OPTMISE routine used with the Australian AS4100:1998 design code has been updated to ensure that the details for the intermediate selection steps are included in the output and not just the final step.
608931 Analysis/DesignEngine - The AISC 360 design routines that report the shear area for user defined pipe sections has been updated such that if the UPT definition does not include the shear areas, then the report will show the values calculated by the program as defined in the code and used in the design.
609364 Analysis/DesignEngine - The slenderness formula used with the tension check in the steel design routine of IS 800 2007 WSD (working stress design) has been updated as it was previously multiplying the value L/r by the K factor in each axis.
614385 Generic GUI Updates - The file save routine used by the GUI to create the STD file has been updated to ensure that when data exceeds the line length limit, the use of a hyphen character to indicate a line continuation is not added as a sole line character.
615795 Analysis/DesignEngine - The torsion design routine used in the AISC 360-05/10 design codes has been updated to address an issue identified when a UNIT command has been introduced in the loading commands. Note that this issue was not present in the design routine used with AISC 360-16.
616276 Analysis/DesignEngine - The AISC 360-16 steel design routine has been updated to ensure that when a group of members are defined as a collection in a CHECK CODE command, those that have a TRUSS/TENSION/COMPRESSION specification do do impact the design requirements on those that do not have these specified. Previously, a member with one or more of these specifications would be used as an active specification on subsequent members that were designed in that group.
617775 OpenSTAAD - The OpenSTAAD function NewSTAADFile() has been updated to ensure that the file is created as specified. Previously this could fail with a response 'File Not Found'.
617907 Analysis/DesignEngine - The processing of cold formed sections defined in the RCeco and Lysaght databases has been updated to ensure that where required values are not included in the tables, then these are calculated as necessary.
617935 Other Workflows - The Connection Design Workflow has been updated to support members assigned with Canadian double angle profiles. Note that if Canadian profiles are used, then these should be selected in the RAM Connection Settings dialog. Refer to D. To edit the RAM Connection settings
618433 Analysis/DesignEngine - The output report for a member designed with the AIISC 360-16 steel design code has been updated to better reflect the requirements indicated with the interaction parameter setting INT 0. This accounts for the fact the code has multiple equations that can be used to meet the interaction condition. When set to 0, the intention is to use the minimum value of any relevant equation such as H1.1 and H1.3. However, if the member was checked against multiple load cases where some would require an H1.3 check, but others not and in the ultimate governing load case clause H1-3 does not apply, displaying the result for the case where it does apply is confusing and thus it is now not reported.
618711 Generic GUI Updates - The File>New backstage has been updated such that the drop list provided with a Model Seed File option now displays the recently used list as quick access.
618715 Documentation and Printing - The OpenSTAAD documentation has been updated to correct two issues 1) Geometry.GetGroupEntites() returns the number of entities in the named group and 2) The description of the function Load.GetLoadCombinationCaseNumbers() confirms that this returns the combination case numbers, not the primary load case numbers *** documented previously.
618716 Other Workflows - The method used by the Connection Design Workflow to create connection objects from definitions specified by connection tags has been updated. The process now ensures that the class information is utilised when parsing the data in the connection file.
620001 Analysis/DesignEngine - The cold formed steel design routine to IS 801:1975 has been updated to correct the calculation used to determine the distance between the shear centre to the centre of gravity for angle sections, channel and hat sections.
620280 OpenSTAAD - The OpenSTAAD function Results.GetBasePressures() has been updated to ensure that the results are correctly reported when the base unit is set to Metric. Note the results are reported correctly with the base unit set to English units.
620860 Analytical ModelingWorkflow - The routine used by the Specifications dialog to activate the option to 'Assign to Selected Beams' has been updated to ensure that it previously required the objects to be selected after the specification. Now that objects can be selected and the option will be activated once the required specification is selected. Note that for this to operate in this way, the option 'Highlight Assigned Geometry' should not be set.
620908 Analytical ModelingWorkflow - The process that is used to display the current assignment of a selected specification in the Specifications dialog has been updated to ensure that the displayed items is reflective of the assigned list.
621501 Physical Modeling Workflow - The routine used in the Physical Modelling Workflow Structure Wizard to generate hydrostatic loading using the Tank Wizard has been updated to catch a situation where the tank segment is defined with zero depth and thus would create a region of zero area.
621571 Other Workflows - The routine used in the Connection Design Workflow for designing Moment End Plate BCF and Bolted End Plate BCF connections to the IS or EN design codes has been updated to improve the tolerance settings where the connections are applicable.
623414 Documentation and Printing - The documentation for defining and assigning seismic loading has been updated to clarify the assignment of the seismic load that has defined in a definition should only assigned in a lateral direction. That is in the X or Z axes for most cases (where Y is the vertical axis) or when the Z UP command has been used to make the Z axis become the vertical axis, then the definition should only be assigned in the X and/or Y axes. In other words, the seismic load definition should NOT be assigned in the vertical direction.
625419 Analysis/DesignEngine - The warning message reported by the program when performing a design for serviceability when not correctly specified, has been updated to refer to the current help documentation topic TR.40 Load Envelope.
625679 Interoperability - The PipeLink export routine provided in the Piping Workflow has been updated to address an issue where the created material table file was mis-indexed and would cause the interop with AutoPIPE to fail.
627673 Generic GUI Updates - The GUI processing of the shortcut key combination ofhas been updated so that it will close the active window unless that is the main structure window. Previously, if this key combination was pressed and the main structure window was closed, the application would crash.
630388 Generic GUI Updates - The dialogs used to display the processing of data in the Piping Workflow, Plate Meshing tools and the Multilinear Spring table have been modified to support the use of Chinese and Japanese character sets.
630406 OpenSTAAD - The OpenSTAAD function Results.GetMatInfluenceAreas() has been updated to correct an error which was causing the results to be returned without any areas.
633034 Analysis/DesignEngine - The New Zealand steel design routine has been updated to correctly account for the sign of the bending moment when determining the reduced shear capacity. Note that this can result in a change to the governing clause from 5.12.3 to 5.12.2.
634212 The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules - The method used by the STAAD Editor to allow this module to operate outside the main STAAD.Pro application as a standalone application has been modified to ensure that in doing so it is possible to create a new file. Previously, although the option was provided, attempting to do so would cause the Editor to crash.
635104 Physical ModelingWorkflow - The Physical Model Workflow has been updated to remove a process that attempts to initiate the SPC service which was required when this workflow was reliant on this for obtaining the section property data of members. This is no longer required with the current use of the standard STAAD.Pro databases. If the service was not installed on the computer, attempting to initiate the service would cause STAAD.Pro to crash.
635819 Post Processing Workflow - The routine used for generating a cutline with the Results Along Line tool has been updated to address an issue that could be encountered when forming the boundary of elements and duplicated node numbers which when being processed would cause the application to crash.
636103 Physical Modeling Workflow - The Structure Wizard tool added to the Physical Model workflow in V22 Update 6 has been updated to improve the capabilities in creating and managing models and templates. These can now be aggregated into separate folders. A second tank model template is included in the installer that is better suited to design in the RCDC workflow. The installed and user templates are now organised into more practical locations. The editor provided for editing user templates has been updated to support collapsing data blocks and improved colour coding.
636511 Other Workflows - The details of a selected connection in the Connection Deign workflow in the Results layout has been updated to ensure that the details of the selected connection includes the defined section name.
637526 Analytical Modeling Workflow - As part of the initiative to integrate the Chinese Steel Design Workflow as a new wind load generator has been added to the loading definitions, in the Analytical Workflow, which follows the provisions outlined in the GB50009 publication. Note that this module not only utilises the data entered to determine the wind load pressures according to the code, but also can be used to generate the primary load cases. If the definition is deleted again in the GUI, the associated load cases will also be removed from the model.
637550 Licensing / Security/Installation - The operation of STAAD.Pro has been tested to ensure that it is able to operate under normal situations on a Citrix environment.
637811 Analysis/Design Engine - The new CE V22 Update 7 analysis and design engine has been uploaded to the Scenario Services platform be an option for a cloud based analysis.
637812 Other Workflows - A number of operational changes have been implemented in the integration of the Steel Connection Design Workflow to improve the user experience. The requirement to confirm for connection designs to be performed if any connection exits whenever an analysis is performed has been removed. The details of the material grade will now be taken s default from the material definition. An issue that could occur in that the ratio reported for a connection in the RAM Connection Input dialog when changing to/from the Results layout has been addressed. And the colour system used in the connection pad
637828 Other Workflows - The installation has been updated to include the current version of the RCDC application (v11.00.00) which is used for the Advanced Concrete Design Workflow.
637829 Licensing / Security/Installation - The installation has been updated to include and install the current version of the CONNECTION Client module ( This is the heart of the Bentley license service and a pre-requisite for using any Bentley application.
637834 Generic GUI Updates - A fully Chinese localised version of CE V22 Update 7 has been produced and is available as a Chinese localised installer.
637838 Interoperability - The iTwin Services module included in the Physical Model workflow to provide synchronisation and design review capabilities has been updated.
637847 Generic GUI Updates - The Bentley logo has changed and where this has been used in the program, has been updated with the current official Bentley logo.
637848 Documentation and Printing - OpenSTAAD documentation has been updated to provide details on the use of two functions that allow the analysis engine to be operated remotely and silently. These functions are AnalyzeEx() and SetSilentMode().
637850 Documentation and Printing - The user documentation topic, P. Beam End Forces table, has been updated to provide better clarity on the nature of the results provided and the significance of the signs.
637856 Analysis/Design Engine - The analysis and design engine has been updated to support the use of p-delta or direct analysis on models which contain plates that have been assigned offsets, a feature that was added in SPro CE V22 U6.
637864 Analysis/Design Engine - The method used by the analysis engine to reserve and allocate memory for large models where the command SET NL has not been specified has been updated . This method accounts for rigid floor diaphragms, seismic cases and where there are in excess of 1 million degrees of freedom.
637879 Generic GUI Updates - The CONNECT Advisor module previously included in Bentley applications has been deprecated. The functionality offered by this module is now included in the CONNECTION Client.
638081 Analysis/DesignEngine - The design of tie reinforcement to the Indian design code IS 13920 has been corrected to address an issue identified that occurs when the column cross section dimensions are large and the shear force is small. This was causing significantly more reinforcement than is required.
645756 Physical Modeling Workflow - The wind load generation routine in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to ensure that when the wind definition is specified as external and in the negative X or Z directions, then this is correctly reflected in the STD data file. Previously, although the direction was correctly indicated, it was generated as an internal load (and visa versa).
646030 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The Structure Wizard tool provided in the Analytical Modelling Workflow has been updated to support the localization of table headings. Previously this would not support Chinese or Japanese character sets.
646145 Generic GUI Updates -The routine that updates the Member Query dialog content in the 'Shear Bending' and 'Deflection' sheets has been updated to catch a condition which could occur when refreshing the data and resulting in an incorrect warning message being displayed and clearing the table headers in the dialog.
649081 Analytical Modeling Workflow - The Structure Wizard tool provided in the Analytical workflow has been updated to ensure the dialog displayed from the Edit>Edit New Macro... or Edit>Edit Existing Macro menu items displays text on all the dialog buttons.
649553 Analysis/DesignEngine - The details of the locations for the checks reported for a cold formed steel member design to AISI 2016 has been updated to correctly account for the unit if specified. Note that this was purely an output issue and did not affect the design itself.
649893 Analysis/DesignEngine - The Canadian concrete design routine has been updated with an error message confirming that currently trapezoidal member profiles are not supported at this time.
651772 Interoperability - The Structlink module in the Analytical Model Workflow has been updated to address an issue when attempting to map a user table profile during the import process which was causing the application to crash. Now a message box is displayed warning that a table must be selected before attempting to continue.
651843 Analysis/DesignEngine - The format of the design report for the Indian steel design code IS800:2007 has been slightly modified in order to provide additional space for very long named section profiles which previously were being truncated.
652710 Other Workflows - The routine that parses a user defined template file for a Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to trap n error that would occur if the first line included spaces that resulted in application terminating.
661720 Documentation and Printing - The help topic GS. Keyboard Shortcuts has been updated to clarify the action performed by the key combinationwhich is to close the current window.

STAAD.Pro CONNECT Editionis the professional's choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum and cold-formed steel design of low and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more!
STAAD.Pro is the premier FEM analysis and design tool for any type of project including towers, culverts, plants, bridges, stadiums, and marine structures. With an array of advanced analysis capabilities including linear static, response spectra, time history, cable, and pushover and non-linear analyses, STAAD.Pro provides your engineering team with a scalable solution that will meet the demands of your project every time
Introduction to STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition
In this video you will learn how to create a new project in STAAD.Pro. Topics include specifying STAAD.Pro's configuration , how to create a new file and how to create model geometry using STAAD.Pro's Structure Wizard.
Bentley Systems, Incorporated.is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
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