Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed) | 3.9 Gb
Product: Nemetschek Allplan
Version: 2022.0.6 (fixed *)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.allplan.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 3.9 Gb
ALLPLAN, global provider of BIM solutions for the AEC industry, is pleased to announce the availability of Allplan 2022.0.6 is one of the most established applications in the AEC technology industry with powerful BIM capabilities supported by full-fledged CAD functionality, making it a strong contender to be the main software for AEC firms around the world as they transition from a primarily CAD-based to an increasingly BIM-based workflow.
The new 2022 version of Allplan, the flagship AEC application from the Nemetschek Group, is notable not just for its many new features and enhancements for Allplan's core markets of architecture and engineering, but also for its growing expansion to infrastructure as well as inroads into construction and buildability. Also noteworthy are the enhancements specifically for the US market, including standards and best practices, which should help to expand the scope and reach of the application, not only in the US but also in many other countries around the world where US standards are adopted.
what's new in Allplan 2022 General Enhancements
Allplan 2022 has several improvements for navigating and inspecting the model which should be helpful to users from all AEC disciplines. You can now select any point in the model and rotate it about that point, making it easier to zoom in on any specific area of the model to work with (Figure 2). The Objects palette has also been enhanced with more options to hide/isolate elements, allowing you to further hone in on a specific object to work on it in more detail.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 2. Setting the position of the rotation point to a specific area in the model — in this case, the edge of the table — makes it easier to navigate the model more precisely.
The "I" in BIM is all about the information in the model, specifically the attribute data of the various elements in it. There are some additional enhancements in the Objects palette to work with this attribute data, including the ability to display a color-code view of the model based on specific object properties (Figure 3) as well as filter elements by attribute, which can help to find elements with attributes that have been assigned incorrectly or not assigned at all. Both these enhancements make it easier to inspect the model to make sure it has been created properly.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 3. The new color-coding capability available in the Objects Palette makes it easier to inspect the model. Here, the dry wall and masonry are colored in green and red respectively.
Allplan had launched its design scripting capability as a technical preview in the 2019 version, and it is now a core feature of the application, useful in all disciplines for carrying out design automation and optimization tasks (Figures 4 and 5) and creating unique parametric objects and complex structures, all without the need for programming skills. In Allplan 2022, several enhancements have been made to the Visual Scripting interface to make it easier and faster to create scripts, including the ability to search and quickly insert nodes, place parameters selectively on multiple tabs, use sliders to specify a range of values, and access additional building components such as columns and beams in the script. Also, scripts can now be added as tools to the Allplan taskbar, making it easier for modelers to use them without being aware of their mechanics and complexities or even the fact that they are custom scripts
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 4. A simple example of the use of a script to automatically select all the masonry wall elements in an imported architectural model and change them to structural walls by modifying their attributes.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 5. A more complex example of the use of scripting to automatically warp the structural elements in the design of a precast parking garage. This kind of warping is needed for the design of parking garages in the US.
It should be noted that the visual scripting capabilities of Allplan are in addition to a full-fledged API in the Python programming language, which is aimed at developers and allows full customization of Allplan.
In addition to specific tools, there are also three cloud initiatives that are relevant to all the AEC disciplines in which Allplan is used: Bimplus, which is a collaboration platform in which multiple disciplinary models can be brought in and coordinated; Allplan Share, which allows project teams to work together using native Allplan data; and Allplan Exchange, which allows project data and documents to be distributed to anyone on the project team who needs them.
Allplan 2022 has several modeling and visualization improvements specifically targeted towards architects. On the modeling front, the intersection of different components with each other can be better controlled by specifying different priority values, railings can now be placed along splines, and the workflow for modifying openings has been simplified by putting their options within the Properties palette rather than in a separate dialog (Figure 6). A new feature called Provision for Voids allows openings to the model to be created in one step for MEP elements based on the required voids as specified by the MEP engineer (Figure 7).
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 6. The settings to modify openings are now conveniently accessible in the Properties palette.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 7. The Provision for Voids feature allows all designated voids coming in from the MEP engineer to be cut in one step from the architectural model.
For architects, there are also some striking visualizations enhancements that can dramatically improve the quality of the renderings generated from the model and reduce the time it takes to create them. There are now settings for volumetric fog, bloom and lens flare, which can take advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics cards and the Vulkan graphics technology used in Allplan to create some spectacular visuals, both still and animated (Figure 8). Other visualization enhancements include the ability to do a white render of the model, remove noise from a rendering using the AI denoising technology of NVIDIA Optix, and add lights and shadows to the Sketch display mode (Figure 9).
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 8. The new visualization settings to add volumetric fog, bloom and lens flare.
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Figure 9. Adding lights and shadows in Sketch mode.
On the engineering front, Allplan 2022 has new components for bolted and welded steel connections and the ability to detail base and stiffener plates, cleats, bolts and welds for structural framing (Figure 10). A new tool also allows structural braces to be automatically created. The display and labeling of the structural axis grid has been improved, and structural components now automatically receive unique item numbers, even across the different drawing files comprising a project. Standard or country-specific material catalogs can be downloaded via Bimplus and linked to structural components in Allplan. All these enhancements improve Allplan's ability to create more detailed structures with flexible connections that are customizable and extendable.
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Figure 10. Adding bolts to a structural model.
Another significant enhancement to Allplan for engineering is the ability to create automated reinforcement for columns, beams, walls, and slab based on reinforcement rules such as clearance, minimum diameter, maximum spacing, etc., all of which can be adjusted based on standards or requirements (Figure 11). Because the reinforcement is already created based on rules, it will result in fewer errors. Under the hood, this automation has been created using the Python API, and similar to the parking garage example shown in Figure 5 where the structural elements were automatically warped as needed, it shows the ability of smart tools to reduce the amount of tedious and repetitive tasks that would otherwise need to be manually done.
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Figure 11. Automatic reinforcement created for a column.
For precast structures, Alllplan now includes deeper integration with the dedicated precast design and detailing software, Planbar, that came from the recent merger of ALLPLAN with another Nemetscheck company, Precast. Planbar includes numerous automation features for precast elements including one-click reinforcement, import of architectural models and fixtures, fully automated creation of shop drawings with dimensioning and labelling (Figure 12), and easy switching between 2D and 3D working methods. Allplan also has improvements in its Shape Code Manager to allow precast manufacturers to better support their local shape code standard (Figure 13).
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 12. Automated reinforcement and documentation for a precast stair object in Planbar.
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Figure 13. The individual entries in the Shape Code Manager in Allplan can be edited by precast manufacturers to support their standards.
The article "BIM Software for Infrastructure" published a few months ago captured the growing momentum behind extending the model-based concept of BIM from the building domain to the infrastructure domain and the software available for it. Allplan, with its sophisticated engineering capabilities, is already a key player in this domain, enabling concrete structures with complex geometries to be fully modeled, reinforced, and detailed in civil projects. In 2019, a dedicated parametric application for bridge design called Allplan Bridge was introduced, and the push towards infrastructure continues in Allplan with new tools for terrain modeling, road design, and the design of utility lines for water and wastewater.
For terrain modeling — which is useful to model the context for any infrastructure discipline such as bridges, roads, and tunnels — the terrain data can be imported into Allplan using a format such as LandXML. You can select which surfaces to import, reduce the number of points on the surfaces to simplify them if needed, correct border lines and any discontinuities in the terrain (Figure 14), and define the project area that you need to work on so you can see it more closely.
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Figure 14. Adjusting the settings of the terrain mesh to remove edge triangles.
The new road design tool is parametric. The position of the road axis can be adjusted, and the model is recalculated in real time. The road alignment created in Allplan can be sent to other infrastructure design applications using Bimplus, or the road design can continue to be developed in Allplan. For the road geometry, cross-sections can be created and assigned to individual sections, and there is full support for all the documentation that needs to be created for road design (Figure 15).
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 15. The new road design tools in Allplan.
There is also a major enhancement to Allplan Bridge in the 2022 version which allows it to accurately model precast girder brides, in which linear elements are used to span bridges as shown in Figure 16. This is important because a large percentage of bridges are designed in this manner. The geometry of these linear girders is governed by the geometry of the substructure and their position along the axis. Parametric 3D templates are used to define repetitive elements such as the girders, so they need to be modeled only once and can then be placed parametrically as many times as necessary. The placement is done by selecting the starting and ending points on the supporting substructures of the bridge. Another workflow improvement is the use of 3D Boolean operations to quickly generate the haunch between the deck of the bridge and the girders.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 16. Allplan Bridge has been enhanced to make it easier and faster to model precast bridges with linear girder elements.
Also, Allplan Bridge now supports the AASHTO LRFD standard for the design and code-checking of concrete bridges. While this is a standard that originated in the US, it is used in many countries around the world, making Allplan Bridge a compelling choice for parametric bridge design globally.
In addition to the push to expand to infrastructure, Allplan is also attempting to expand further into construction by providing content libraries for site equipment such as cranes, pumps, formwork, and so on, which can be used to better plan the layout of a construction site. Similar to building elements, most of the elements are parametric. Also, some elements such as cranes are intelligent with the ability to rotate them, make their jibs shorter or longer, change the position of the hook or the height of the tower, and so on (Figure 17).
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Figure 17. Intelligent site content in Allplan.
To add the 4th dimension to an Allplan model to enable it to be used for construction scheduling, it can be published to Bimplus, where the model elements can be connected to a project schedule imported from Microsoft Project. This can be done using the Bimplus add-on to Microsoft Project (Figure 18). Once the connection between the model and the schedule has been done, you can run a simulation of the project schedule in Bimplus.
Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)

Figure 18. The Bimplus add-on in Microsoft Project allows the schedule to be imported into Bimplus, where it can be connected with model elements.
Allplan is one of the most established applications in the AEC technology industry with powerful BIM capabilities supported by full-fledged CAD functionality, making it a strong contender to be the main software for AEC firms around the world as they transition from a primarily CAD-based to an increasingly BIM-based workflow. The enhancements in the 2022 version continue to improve upon its already comprehensive suite of tools for architecture and engineering, and its growing expansion to support the design of roads, bridges, terrain, and utilities will help it to better serve the growing number of infrastructure projects worldwide. The concerted effort to incorporate US standards and requirements should help it to not only cater to the US market, but also all other countries that have adopted US standards.
Hotfix Allplan 2022.0.6 - Release notes (16/02/2022) General
- We edited and corrected various messages of Quality Reporter. As a result, Allplan is more stable and reliable.
- In certain cases, incorrect memory allocation for textures caused the program to crash; this has now been fixed.
MSI Setup
- The country-specific templates for Austria have been fixed. The ETC folder is now filled correctly by the setup.
- The upgrade for running Allplan versions has been improved.
- All textures are now fully installed, even if the options panel was not opened.
- In the Turkish version, the project 'Hello Allplan!' is now installed correctly.
- Imports of Sketchup data have been accelerated and improved.
- The upload from Allplan to Bimplus has been enhanced.
AutoCAD interface
- In the DWG export, reinforcing bar and mesh placements are again transferred correctly in views and sections.
- In the DWG import, the coordinate transformation from Gauss-Krüger to UTM coordinates has been improved.
- To create objects according to the BG Bau specifications, the two attributes 'width class' and 'load class' have been implemented in the attribute group 'Architecture General'.
- The execution of the 'Transfer attributes' function has been accelerated.
User interface
- In the 'Construction' roll, the 'Layout Editor' task area now exists only once by default.
- The simple Tooltip is now displayed again in the correct position for all standard configurations.
- Placing of symbol fixtures has been improved.
- Formula definition
- Formulas were evaluated incorrectly if conditions were not met; this has been corrected.
- In formulas, wildcards within conditions are evaluated correctly again.
- In certain cases the program crashed when printing or exporting from the print preview; this has now been fixed.
- When replacing drawing files in the building structure, the storage location for temporary CAD data is now no longer changed.
- The result of the Wireframe is again accurate to 9 decimal places.
- When changing the drawing file status from 'active' to 'in edit mode', a changed reference scale is now saved.
- When creating text leaders with applied background fill, the default order of the text leaders remains unchanged.
- After switching on the 'construction line', circles and ellipses are now displayed again with the format properties of the construction line.
- Curve dimensioning with a fixed length can now be done correctly again.
- The associative dimensioning of architectural openings is now updated correctly after modifying the opening width.
- In curve dimensioning, the dimensioning can now be generated without decimal places.
Layout Editor
- When exporting layouts to PDF with the 'Entire layout contents' option enabled, individual lines were partially offset; this has now been fixed.
- In Vulkan mode, the program now no longer crashes when using an environment effect (fog, bloom, etc.).
- Navigating in the 'RTRender' view type has been accelerated. When the representation is changed, multiple initialization is no longer performed.
- In Vulkan mode, certain patterns were not displayed in the layout; this is now fixed.
- Handles and Direct object modification elements are now correctly and completely displayed in Vulkan mode.
- With the 'Gouraud' setting for the animation shading style, the specified transparency of the objects is now displayed correctly.
Views and Sections
- The display of views and sections with fill or bitmap areas has been accelerated.
- If model data, axis grid and views and sections are located on different drawing files, the axis grid is now copied correctly when copying a horizontal section within the building structure.
- When creating views and sections, axis grids in wizards or free NDW files are now no longer taken into account.
- Associative dimension lines in views and sections are now updated correctly even if the model data is not loaded.
- After creating sections with display of the axis grid, creating a view on a new drawing file caused the program to crash in certain cases; this has now been fixed.
- When you move the cursor to the section object, only the section object or the view border of the associated section is now marked with the selection preview color.
- If openings are modified via the properties palette, the associative dimensioning in views and sections is now preserved.
- Modifying the grid lines with 'Stretch Entities' within the view border has been improved.
Structural framing
- For the 'Connection Toolbox' function, the texts in the palette have been corrected.
Unfinished structure
- The data conversion of downstand beams from previous versions with regard to plan display and priority has been improved.
- After intersecting downstand beams and walls, niches in the downstand beam were linked to the wall after modifying the parameters; this is now fixed.
- When intersecting profiled downstand beams with architectural walls, the exact intersection solid is now generated again if the appropriate setting is made in the options.
- When changing the 'Function' attribute for a room, the set heights of the lateral coverings now remain unchanged.
- Parameters in the 'Railing - Properties' dialog box can be modified faster and the stability has been improved.
- Copying and moving a finished reinforcement drawing to the next floor has been improved.
- The quality of Allplan has been further improved by addressing comprehensible messages from the Allplan Quality Manager.
Bar reinforcement
- Modifying hooks via the properties palette has been improved.
Mesh Reinforcement
- If the automatically determined 'Actual number of pieces' was overwritten with your own determined number of pieces, this could lead to incorrect numbers of pieces in reports; this has now been fixed.
- When generating reinforcement reports for multiple drawing files containing couplers and/or threads, incorrect coupler and thread information could show up in the report; this has now been fixed.
- The format properties of the initial bar of the carpet outline were not taken from the options in views and sections; this is now fixed.
- By selecting the precast element label, you can use the properties palette again to modify the precast element and the label.
Nemetschek Allplan is a CAD application for the construction sector from the leading supplier of building information modeling solutions, which is viewed as an innovation leader in the EC industry. Optimizing the quality, costs and time requirements of implementing and designing buildings is possible throughout the entire development process thanks to the application.
Nemetschek Allplan offers flexible and efficient tools that make realizing your innovative architecture and engineering projects child's play. The CAD software is an essential tool for architects, civil engineers, construction companies and facility managers with its many versatile features.
With Allplan 2022, the interaction of components has been fundamentally revised. Intersection within a drawing file is now controlled consistently via priorities. Manual rework is no longer necessary. The resulting increased model quality reduces the effort required to create working drawings and detailed drawings. Collisions are avoided and quantities can be determined even more reliably.
In addition, the workflows for modifying openings and with roof surfaces have been simplified and optimized. The railing function has been revised so that railings can now be placed along splines. This opens up new areas of application, e.g. for organic architecture, but also for bridge railings or guard rails.
Allplan 2022 | Feature | Modeling
More efficient and detailed modeling with Allplan Detailed and precise models are a key prerequisite for efficient processing of BIM projects.
The Nemetschek Group is a Germany based, globally operating software developer, focused on the AEC/O industry.
The corporate group is focused on four customer segments: Design, Build, Manage (AEC/O) & Media. Including 15 highly innovative, market-leading brands.
The brands offer digital solutions for the planning, building and operation of building and infrastructure projects, as well as for the media and entertainment industry.
* All modules work
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Nemetschek Allplan 2022.0.6 (fixed)




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