CAMWorks 2022 SP1 for Solid Edge | 1.9 Gb
Languages Supported: 中文 Simplified, 中文 Traditional, Français, Deutsch, Italiano,
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Version:2022 SP1 (build 2022/0520)
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.camworks.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:1.9 Gb
The GeometricPLM development team is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks 2022 SP1 (build 2022/0520) is an intuitive, feature-based CAM software that helps to increase productivity using best-in-class technologies and adaptable automation tools to maximize CNC machining efficiency.
CAMWorks constantly updates its software to satisfy the requirements of the manufacturing industry, as well as offering features to assist manufacturers through its software.
What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2022 SP1

1. CW-114335 CSR-18404 Assembly When one of the component parts of the specific assembly file is deleted, it results in the crashing of the CAMWorks for Solid Edge application.
2. CW-113051 CSR-19126 Post CAMWorks For Solid Edge is unable to post indexing angles in NC code for Mill parts with numerous operations (200 plus) machined on Multiaxis Mill machines.
3. CW-113044 CSR-19112 Tool In Polish language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, when Barrel tools are assigned to any Mill operation, CAMWorks For Solid Edge crashes.
4. CW-113026 CSR-19103 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Rough Mill toolpath ends up gouging island features.
5. CW-113011 CSR-19077 TechDB In the specific customized TechDB, the Save, Copy and Delete buttons available within the Default Operation Parameters user interface for Mill mode remain disabled even after parameters are modified.
6. CW-113010 CSR-19063 TechDB In the specific customized TechDB, within the 'Features and Operations" user interface, user is unable to delete any newly defined strategies.
7. CW-112981 CSR-19057 Assembly In the specific assembly file (with multiple instances of the seed part) loaded in CAMWorks For solid Edge, two of the instances fail to get selected from the 'List of Parts' user interface of the CAMWorks Part Manager.
8. CW-112890 CSR-18971 Rebuild For the specific part, when the Fixture Coordinate Systemdefined using SOLID EDGE Coordinate System is changed,then CAMWorks For Solid Edge does not display the Rebuild prompt warning message.
9. CW-112887 CSR-18952 Rebuild When the Fixture Coordinate System is changed for a part machined on a 5 Axis Mill machine, then after Rebuild, it does not correctly update the indexing angle of the Mill Part Setup until you manually edit the Setup and reselect the Fixture Coordinate System under Axis tab.
10. CW-112875 CSR-18953 TechDB Within the TechDB App, no data is displayed for Multiaxis Mill operations within the Mill>>Default Operation Parameters user interface.
11. CW-112835 CSR-18872 PostIf an Assembly includes an Assembly Feature, then up on Post Processing with APT output, no NC code will begenerated the Assembly Feature and any subsequent mill operations.
12. CW-112806 CSR-18839 UI For Contour Mill Operations, under the NC tab of their Operation Parameters UI, the text displayed in the all the group boxes are out of order for the Non-English languages.
13. CW-112773 CSR-18785 Post For Mill-Turn parts, when the circular pattern is selected for a wrap feature and if the first instance is skipped, then the post code generated displays incorrect rotary angle for the remaining instances.
14. CW-112701 CSR-18544 Post Add a header command SET_FIRST_Z_POS_ON_MILL_TC to set ABS_Z_END at the start of the operation after the tool change.
15. CW-112676 CSR-18543 Post For the wrap feature toolpath, the output of post variable ABS_Z_END is zero at the start of the operation.
16. CW-112675 CSR-18685 UIF When any part/assembly file saved in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2020 version is loaded in CAMWorks For Solid Edge2021 Plus or higher version, it is observed that the SolidEdge PathFinder goes missing from the user interface.
17. CW-112655 CSR-10384 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Contour Mill toolpath ends up gouging the part due to failure to generate retract move when moving from one group feature to another. This happens when 'Use skim plane' is made active for'Retract between feature' under NC tab for Contour Mill.
18. CW-112568 CSR-18663 Rebuild When the specific part is opened and its toolpath are generated without rebuilding the CAMWorks For Solid Edge data, a new feature is generated without replacing the old feature and no Rebuild Error message is displayed.
19. CW-112564 CSR-18672 Stock The Stock Manager with Multibody parts is wrong. The Stock Material are not based on all Parts. Was working OK with CW 2020.
20. CW-112561 CSR-18675 Post Incorrect 5 axis rapid move line in posted code in CW2021Plus with patterned feature.
21. CW-112550 CSR-18645 TechDB Users can define new Turn Feature conditions based on feature diameter in the TechDB and then proceed to select their TechDB IDs when selecting machining strategies for machining turn features. However, if the diameter of thefeature is lesser than the lower range of the diameter defined for the Feature Condition, then the operations generated are incorrect
22. CW-112302 CSR-18585 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Bottom Finish Contour Mill toolpath is not generated correctly for Irregular Pocket feature.
23. CW-112162 CSR-18551 Post Output of the Post variable OPR_Z_FEED is incorrect at the start of all 3 Axis Mill operations.
24. CW-112090 CSR-18483 Features Two MS Hole features on the specific part having identical geometry are recognized from opposite Mill Part Setups
25. CW-112039 CSR-18239 Help On page 44 of the CAMWorks For Solid Edge Installation, the text mentions that "ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=0" needs to be included to enable listing of CAMWorks For Solid Edge in Add/Remove programs of Control Panel. This text needs to be removed as it is not applicable.
26. CW-112014 CSR-18426 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath generation engine is set to Previous Method, it is observed that the Tapered Shank End Mill of Z Axis toolpath ends up gouging the specific part.
27. CW-112011 Beta 60096 TechDB For part in Inch Mode with a Thread Designation in Metric units, it is observed that the Metric units taps are converted and displayed correctly within the application but the corresponding entries for the tool within the TechDB fails to convert these Metric units to Inches units.
28. CW-111998 CSR-18407 Post If part is not aligned parallel to the SW plane, then output for post variables STOCK_LENGHT, STOCK_WIDTH & STOCK_HEIGHT is not correct.
29. CW-111963 CSR-18345 Post Wrong NC output for pattern features in Assembly mode of CW2021Plus SP2 and CW2022 versions.
30. CW-111950 CSR-18269 Turn For specific Turn part, the Groove Rough and Groove Finish toolpath does not generate properly with a user defined tool insert.
31. CW-111720 CSR-18196 License On some computers, when the license manager is started in Admin mode, the license information is not written to HKCU and Solids and CW's will fail to find a license.
32. CW-111565 CSR-17989 Toolpath The Z level toolpath with corners round parameter is showing the overcut at the corner in simulation in the advanced method. OK with either the toolpath in the previous method engine or with a sharp corner in advanced.
33. CW-111510 CSR-18055 TechDB When starting CAMWorks For Solid Edge using the SQL database, if Access is installed on the computer, CAMWorks For Solid Edge will issue a warning message about using CAMWorks For Solid Edge.
34. CW-111476 CSR-18002 License On some computers, when the license manager is started in Admin mode, the license information is not written to HKCU and Solids and CW's will fail to find a license.
35. CW-111429 CSR-17984 Feed Speed If the 64-bit Feed/Speed database "MicroEstimatingMaterials.meb" is relocated from its default location of 'C:\CAMWorksData\MATLIBx64', then CAMWorks For Solid Edge fails to find the Feed/Speed library and displays a message indicating the same.
36. CW-111021 CSR-17892 Assembly In Mill assembly, for linked setups, if work co-ordinate is set for one then it does not set that for all other linked setups.
37. CW-111008 CSR-17794 License On some computers, when the license manager is started in Admin mode, the license information is not written to HKCU and Solids and CW's will fail to find a license.
38. CW-110947 CSR-17580, CSR-18138 Simulation The Contour Mill toolpath simulation with toolpath centerwithout compensation is showing overcut in simulation result considering the target part. This happens when the toolpath is simulating by Shift + Simulate.
39. CW-110890 CSR-17758 Toolpath Incorrect Contour Mill toolpaths (Gouging) after selecting Fixtures when the climb cut method is applied. Working without the collision to the fixtures when the cut method is conventional.
40. CW-110858 CSR-17779 TechDB In TechDB, under Advance tab of 3 Axis Mill operations, the 'None' option is not available for Automatic Contain Area.
41. CW-110535 CSR-17577 Help The License Activation Guide of CAMWorks For Solid Edgeneeds to be updated to indicate that generation of a License Request file can be done via Remote Access and that physical access to the system is not compulsory.
42. CW-110490 CSR-17553 Toolpath A negative leadin/leadout overlap on a curve feature will produce an incorrect toolpath.
43. CW-110091 CSR-17427 Simulation The simulation doesn't match the toolpath at the part contains the 2.5 axis toolpath. When simulating from the beginning it gouges the part, if you do shift simulate it does not.
44. CW-109867 CSR-16854, CSR-17441 Post In the attached multi turret part, when canned cycle is used for lathe drill operations then some of the operations are not posted.
45. CW-109567 CSR-17059 TechDB Problem with Tapping Tools comments. When changing the Tool comment of the Tapping Tool and save. While opening the part the tool comment is changed and it retains the old comments.
46. CW-109526 CSR-17040 Assembly If adding a second part to the part manager in Assembly mode, after the first part is machined, does not allow menu commands to be active on the Feature Manager.
47. CW-109236 CSR-16950 Setup For the specific Mill part machined on a Multiaxis machine, an "Out of limits" warning message is displayed for one of the Mill Part Setups though no selectable angle pair is available in the Indexing tab.
48. CW-109186 CSR-16906 TechDB When user saves different Thread Conditions in the TechDB by executing the 'Save Operation Plan' commandand using a copy of an existing Thread Condition, then the desired outcome is not achieved. The intended copies are emptied of Thread condition data and the original Thread Condition (from which copies were created) gets overwritten.
49. CW-108547 CSR-16736 Setup For the specific Mill part being programmed, when user interactively inserts an operation, the operations get listed under the wrong split Mill Part Setup.
50. CW-108318 CSR-16573 UIF Isometric view generated with respect to a Mill Part Setup is not correct and does not provide correct orientation of part/stock on the machine.
51. CW-108260 CSR-16591 Feature For corner slot features, the segment radius of the Open Air Edge rather than that of the Vertical wall is considered as the Finish Radius resulting in incorrect tool selection on executing the 'Generate Operation Plan' command.
52. CW-107935 CSR-16424 Toolpath For a group of Circular Pocket features, if a Chamfer Machining Contour Mill operation with an Avoid Area defined to skip one of the circular pockets is generated, then it is observed that CAMWorks For Solid Edgegenerates an incorrect toolpath for this operation.
53. CW-107774 CSR-16348 Simulation For the specific assembly, after simulating the toolpath,when the 'Compare' command is executed, CAMWorks For Solid Edge crashes.
54. CW-107705 CSR-16372 Setup For the specific assembly programmed to be machined on a 5-Axis Mill machine, when operations and toolpaths are generated for its slot feature, it is observed that the Y axis direction of the Coordinate system is incorrect, resulting in incorrect orientation.
55. CW-107527 CSR-16290, CSR-16302 Stock For the specific Mill part, the dimensions of the Bounding Box Stock doesn't get updated.
56. CW-107000 CSR-16088 Toolpath For Contour Mill toolpaths, if the Mirror Toolpath option is executed and the 'Keep Original' option is unchecked, it is observed that the mirrored toolpath shifts towards the original feature area rather than adhering to the Mirror Line.
57. CW-106409 --- Toolpath For the Contour Mill operation generated for the Circular Pocket feature of specific mill part, in its Contour tab, when the Depth parameter is set to 'Equal' and the Ramp value is set to 'Angle', then toolpath fails to generate.
58. CW-106003 CSR-15616 Mill-Turn The Sub spindle fixture is not displayed in the correct location for Sub Spindle operations.
59. CW-105992 CSR-15608 Simulation For Mill-Turn parts with Probing operations, none of the Turn operations in the Turn Setup listed after the Probe Setup get simulated.
60. CW-105436 CSR-15415 System For any part being programmed using CAMWorks For Solid Edge, if the tool crib contains too many tools and the user attempts to delete multiple tools from the tool crib, then CAMWorks For Solid Edge takes an excessive amount of time to delete the selected tools.
61. CW-105320 CSR-15307 VoluMill For a VoluMill Roughing operation, when user executes the 'Save Operation Plan' command to save the Machining strategy to TechDB, it is observed that TechDB fails to save the user assigned VoluMill Ramp angle parametric value. Instead, the default value is retained.
62. CW-105043 CSR-11142 Toolpath For toolpaths that have CNC Compensation set to True and the Toolpath Offset set to False, if the leadin is an arc with a tangent line, then the uncompensated toolpath should be created such that the resultant moves too maintains tangency.
63. CW-104628 CSR-14883 Operation For the specific assembly file containing fixtures, CAMWorks For Solid Edge fails to detect Fixtures defined as Avoid features resulting in incorrect toolpaths that gauge the fixtures.
64. CW-104492 CSR-14992 Turn In Turn mode, two consecutive Groove operations share the same tool and have Approach/Retract set to 'Auto'. The retract point of the first operation serves as the beginning of the second toolpath. However, when tool assigned to the second operation is changed, then Retract point of previous operation is not updated though 'Auto' option is enabled.
65. CW-103348 CSR-14312 Toolpath Continuous B Axis Turning toolpaths are not generated for Face Finish operations.
66. CW-102437 CSR-13963 Toolpath For specific assembly comprising nested parts, if some of Contour Mill operations are combined into a single operation and the 'Optimize between groups' option is selected under 'Optimization' tab, then the resultant toolpath shifts away from the part
67. CW-101844 CSR-13815 Simulation For Mill parts, if some of Contour Mill operations generated for Rectangular Boss Features are combined into a single operation and "Last closest" from Start point option under Optimize tab is unchecked, then during simulation, erroneous toolpath moves are observed for the boss features.
68. CW-101841 CSR-13063 Simulation Legacy Machine Simulation doesn't work correctly when the only CAMWorks For Solid Edge license module active is the 4 Axis Mill license and the Rotary and Tilt angles are output automatically with 'Override' option is disabled.
69. CW-100226 CSR-13227 UIF For Probe operations, in the UI section of 'Update the WCS', if the 'Use Setup Definition' is disabled, then the option to define the WCS using Fixture, Work Coordinate, and Work and Sub Coordinate becomes active with Fixture being the default. However, this option doesn't become active unless user toggles to one of the other two options and reverts to this option. It affects post processed code in case user doesn't intervene as mentioned.
70. CW-99899 CSR-13100 System When CAMWorks For Solid Edge is loaded as an Add-In in the Solid Edge environment where a specific Assembly file containing CAM data is already loaded, it causes Solid Edge to crash.
71. CW-99733 CSR-13063 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, an incorrect Contour Chamfer Mill toolpath is generated for a group hole feature that has an Avoid Area defined using a sketch not aligned with the Z axis of the Mill Part Setup.
72. CW-99279 CSR-12932 Toolpath For Mill part with an irregular pocket feature of specific geometry, the Feature Finish Radius computed for the Roughing and Finishing toolpaths is incorrect as CAMWorks is incorrectly based on the Convex arc of the feature rather than its concave arc.
73. CW-98964 CSR-12822 UIF When user uses the 'Go To' command available in the CAMWorks For Solid Edge NC Manager to searching for a specific operation and edit it, the UI doesn't allow the user to edit the operation unless the Search window is closed. However, the UI jumps back to the CAMWorks For Solid Edge NC Manager item the moment the window is closed, thereby negating the whole purpose of the 'Go To' command.
74. CW-98790 CSR-12699 Feeds & Speeds For Mill parts, when Feed/Speed parameter is defined by tool, if the XY RPM is higher than Max RPM, then it must get auto reassigned to the Max RPM value. This behavior is not observed for the specific Mill part resulting in user having to manually change it for every operation.
75. CW-98768 CSR-12719 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the tool used for the Rough Mill operation executes a full diameter cut during machining resulting in damage to the tool or machine.
76. CW-98352 CSR-12460 UI When Display tool tip option is enabled in CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the value displayed in the tool tip for Lead In feed under F/S tab for a Multiaxis Mill operation doesn't match the actual Lead In feed parametric value.
77. CW-98315 CSR-10075 TechDB When using the customized TechDB, in the Mill Tool Select Filter UI of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the Holder designation description is incorrectly displaying 'Null' value when attempting to add a Tool Assembly from the TechDB library.
78. CW-98002 CSR-12220 Assembly When an Assemble Face feature is defined for an assembly with a common stock, then after the Rebuild command is executed, the Face feature gets limited to a single part instance rather than covering the common stock.
79. CW-97587 CSR-11941 Rebuild Once the Rebuild command is executed for the specific Mill part (for which a Fixture Coordinate System was defined using as Stock Vortex) and the Mill machine select is changed, it is observed that toolpaths shift away from the feature.
80. CW-96373 CSR-11372 UIF For Mill parts, when the Coordinate system is modified and toolpaths are regenerated, the checkbox option for Fixture Coordinate System parameter under Axis tab of the Mill Part Setup disappears for the second Mill Part Setup in the Operation tree.
81. CW-95196 CSR-10959 Feature If the stock is a sheet metal part and the Feature Recognition method is set to 'MfgView' and the Max hole diameter is set to a small value, then circular shapes are not recognized as Circular Pockets on executing the 'Extract Machinable Features' command.
82. CW-92540 CSR-10460 Feature For any Mill part with a Perimeter- Open Pocket feature, if the default End Condition value is changed to any other value less than the part depth, then it is observed that CAMWorks For Solid Edge fails to retain the newly saved value.
83. CW-86451 CSR-8491 Post For the specific Turn part, the correct NC code is not output for the start point for front turret for Pinch turning Rough Canned Cycle operation.
84. CWR-2003 CSR-18886 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Adaptive Area Clearance toolpaths doesn't get generated when the Toolpath Generation Engine is set to 'Advanced Method'.
85. CWR-1993 CSR-18290 Toolpath Pencil Mill toolpaths created in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2020 with the Previous Engine will not generate in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2021 or later with the Advanced engine.
86. CWR-1988 CSR-18189 Toolpath The Z Level Helical Issue is found at the Z level toolpath. Here at the toolpath, the last two lines are being made as normal Z level and not Helical.
87. CWR-1982 CSR-17926 Operation Slope Angle is not observed for the Radial pattern.
88. CWR-1980 CSR-17716 Toolpath The number of line move deviation point at the horizontal lead in/out move is not increase considering the mech. deviation value in an advanced method. By the same parameter the line points are increase with previous engine.

CAMWorks for Solid Edgebrings proven, state-of-the-art machining capabilities to Solid Edge users. Since it is accessible directly in the Solid Edge window, CAMWorks for Solid Edge provides a consistent user interface and eliminates time-consuming file transfers. With Geometric's patented Feature Recognition technology running in real-time to capture machined features and automatically generate or update the toolpath, manufacturing-driven design changes can be made to any CAD model using synchronous technology, a unique capability which combines the speed and flexibility of direct modeling with the precise control of dimension driven design. This dramatically streamlines what has traditionally been a time-consuming process. The solution also captures the machining strategy in a customizable database, TechDB, thus allowing efficient machining solutions to be reapplied to future designs with similar features, further enhancing productivity.
CAMWorks for 2022 provides advanced new features to help you take full advantage of your CNC machines
CAMWorks 2022 Tips & Tricks
GeometricPLM by HCL Technologiesa specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Embedded System solutions, and Digital Technology solutions enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle.
On April 1st 2016, Geometric got into an agreement with HCL Technologies to transfer of its business to HCL Tech by way of demerger, except for its 58% share in the joint venture with Dassault Systèmes (3DS) (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited (3DPLM)). The transition has become effective on March 2nd 2017, after seeking all statutory approvals.



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