Last updated 6/2021
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Online Course Direct Taxation relevant for students pursuing CA / CMA / CS / BCom / MCom
What you'll learn
Prepare and appear confidently for CA / CMA / CS / BCom / BBA / MCom Examinations
Apply Direct Taxation Theory in Practice
Basics of Accounting
PLEASE NOTE: It is going to be one of the comprehensive course on Direct Taxation and may have 500+ Lectures. All the lectures are not yet added. I will be adding lectures at regular intervals in the coming months. So go through course curriculum before buying this course. Ensure topics you require are already published before buying. It would take few more months for me to complete this course.Welcome to this course "Direct Taxation in India A Comprehensive Study"This course is created as a result of continuous demand from existing students for course on Direct Taxation. This Course is mainly for students pursuing professional courses in India like CA / CMA / CS and graduation like BCom / MCom / BBA, etc. This course is not meant for students outside India.This course will take you through following topics:a) Basic Concepts of Direct Taxationb) Residence and Scope of Total Incomec) Incomes which do not form part of Total Incomed) 5 Heads of Incomee) Incomes of other person included in Assessee's Total Incomef) Aggregation of Income, Set-Off and Carry forward of Lossesg) Deduction from Total Incomeh) Computation of Total Income and Tax Payablei) Advance Tax, TDS and Tax Collection at Sourcej) Provisions for filing return of Income and Self Assessment.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Use your head set for effective listening. Have your note pad or excel on your side to take note of what is taught so nothing goes unrecorded.See you inside the course.
Section 1: Basic Concepts
Lecture 1 What is Tax?
Lecture 2 Power to levy tax
Lecture 3 Overview of Income Tax Law in India
Lecture 4 Income Tax Act
Lecture 5 Finance Act
Lecture 6 Income Tax Rules
Lecture 7 Circulars & Notifications
Lecture 8 Case laws
Lecture 9 Levy of income Tax
Section 2: Process of Computing Total Income for Income Tax Purposes
Lecture 10 Process of computing Total Income
Lecture 11 Determine Residential Status
Lecture 12 Classify Income Under different heads
Lecture 13 Computation of Income Under each Head
Lecture 14 Clubbing of Income
Lecture 15 Set-off & Carry forward & Set off losses
Lecture 16 Computation of Total Income
Lecture 17 Slab rates for Individual / HUF / AOP / BOI / AJP
Lecture 18 Clarification regarding age of Senior & Very Senior Citizen
Lecture 19 Concessional Tax Rates u/s 115BAC
Lecture 20 Tax rates for Firm / LLP / Local Authority & Co-operative Society
Lecture 21 Tax rates for Company
Lecture 22 Tax rates for certain type of Income
Lecture 23 Computation of Tax Liability - Case Study
Lecture 24 Surcharge
Lecture 25 Rebate
Lecture 26 Health & Education Cess
Lecture 27 Marginal Relief Case Study 1
Lecture 28 Advance Tax
Lecture 29 Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Lecture 30 Tax Payable & Refundable
Lecture 31 Return of income
Lecture 32 Who is an Assessee?
Lecture 33 What is Assessment?
Section 3: Person
Lecture 34 Who is a person?
Lecture 35 Who is an Individual?
Lecture 36 What is HUF?
Lecture 37 What is company?
Lecture 38 Classess of companies
Lecture 39 What is firm?
Lecture 40 What is Association of Person?
Lecture 41 What is Body of Individuails?
Lecture 42 What is Local Authority?
Section 4: Income
Lecture 43 What is income?
Lecture 44 Concept of income under Income Tax Act
Lecture 45 Concept of Revenue and capital Receipts
Lecture 46 Transactions in the course of Business
Lecture 47 Profits from sale of shares and securities
Lecture 48 Whether single transaction constitute business?
Lecture 49 Compensation on Termination of Agency
Lecture 50 Treatment of Gift
Lecture 51 Definition of India
Lecture 52 Average Rate of Tax & Maximum marginal Rate
Lecture 53 Assessment Year & Previous year
Lecture 54 Previous Year for undisclosed source of income
Lecture 55 Previous Year for unexplained cash credit
Lecture 56 Previous year unexplained investments
Lecture 57 unexplained money
Lecture 58 Investment not fully disclosed in Books of Accounts
Lecture 59 Unexplained Expenditure
Lecture 60 Amount borrowed or repaid on Hundi & tax effect
Lecture 61 Cases where income of previous year assessed in previous year
Lecture 62 Taxability of shipping Business of Non - Resident
Lecture 63 Taxability of person leaving india
Lecture 64 Taxability of AOP/BOI/Artificial juridial persons formed for event or Purpose
Lecture 65 Taxability of persons likely to Transfer property to avoid tax
Lecture 66 Taxability of Discontinued Business
Lecture 67 Charge of Income Tax
Section 5: Rate of Taxes
Lecture 68 Income tax slab rates for individuals (A.Y. 2018-19)
Lecture 69 Income Tax slab rates for Senior citizens (A.Y.2018-19)
Lecture 70 Tax rates for firm,LLP,Local Authority, co-operative society
Lecture 71 Tax rates for companies
Lecture 72 Tax rates on other items
Lecture 73 Tax rates on Unexplained money & Unexplained investments
Lecture 74 Surcharges & Rate (>50L to 100L)
Lecture 75 Surcharges (income > 100L)
Lecture 76 Surcharge for companies
Lecture 77 Rebate u/s 87A
Lecture 78 Rate of Education Cess, Secondary & Higher Education Cess
Section 6: Residence and Scope of Total Income
Lecture 79 Introduction to Residential Status
Lecture 80 Residential Status of Individuals
Lecture 81 Exception to Residential Status Provisions
Lecture 82 How to determine period of stay in India for Indian Citizen Crew Member?
Lecture 83 How to determine period of stay in India for Indian Citizen Crew Member - Case S
Lecture 84 Who is Resident and Ordinarily Resident and Resident but not Ordinarily Resident
Lecture 85 Residential Status Case Study 1
Lecture 86 Residential Status Case Study 2
Lecture 87 Residential Status Case Study 3
Lecture 88 Case study - Residential Status of Individual leaving India for Employment (for
Lecture 89 Residential Status of HUF
Lecture 90 HUF - Resident Ordinarly Resident and not Ordinarily Resident
Lecture 91 Case Study on Residential Status of HUF
Lecture 92 Residential Status of Firms and Association of Persons
Lecture 93 Residential Status of Company
Lecture 94 Residential Status of Local Authorities and Artificial Juridical Persons
Lecture 95 Scope of Total Income and Residential Status
Lecture 96 Taxability of Income received by Non Resident Seafarers
Lecture 97 Case study on Scope of Total Income and Residential Status
Lecture 98 Meaning of "income Received or Deemed to be Received"
Lecture 99 Meaning of " income Accuring and Arising"
Lecture 100 What is Business Connection?(Amended)
Lecture 101 Income deemed to accrue or arise in india
Lecture 102 Cases not treated as Business connection for Non Residents
Lecture 103 Income from property, Asset or Source of Income in india
Lecture 104 Income through transfer of a capital Asset situated in India
Lecture 105 Declaration of Dividend by a Foreign Company
Lecture 106 Income from salaries Deemed to Accrue or Arise in india
Lecture 107 Case study - income from salaries Deemed to Accrue or Arise in india
Lecture 108 Dividend paid by indian company outside india
Lecture 109 Interest received by nonr resident - Deemed to accrue or arise in india
Lecture 110 Income from Royalty (Deemed to accrue or arise in india)
Lecture 111 Key points related to Royalty and its taxation
Lecture 112 Income From Technical Services (Deemed to Accrue or Arise in India)
Lecture 113 Taxation of Interest, Rotyalty & Fees for Technical Services received by Non Res
Lecture 114 Case Study on Residential Status
Lecture 115 Case study Resident but not ordinary Resident
Section 7: Agricultural Income
Lecture 116 What is Agricultural income?
Lecture 117 Meaning of Agricultural Operations
Lecture 118 Instance of Agri Income
Lecture 119 Instance of Non Agri Income
Lecture 120 Treatment of Partly Agricultural & Partly non Agricultural income (specified cas
Lecture 121 Treatment of party Agri & Non Agri income (other cases)
Lecture 122 Impact of Agriculture income Tax computation
Lecture 123 case study 1 on Agro income
Lecture 124 Case study 2 on Agro income
Lecture 125 Case study 3 Agro income
Lecture 126 Case study 4 Agro income
Section 8: Income which do not form part of Total income
Lecture 127 Agricultural income, members share in income of HUF, share of profit from firm &
Lecture 128 Remuneration to person who is not citizen of india
Lecture 129 Tax paid on income from leasing Aircraft
Lecture 130 Fees for Technical Services connceted with securing of india & Allowances / Perq
Lecture 131 Compensation received on account of disaster
Lecture 132 Sum received under Life insurance Policy
Lecture 133 Payment from national Pension Trust
Lecture 134 Payment from Approved super Annuation fund
Lecture 135 Interest on Securities
Lecture 136 Exemptions - Sec 10 (16 to 19)
Lecture 137 Exemptions - Sec 10 (19A), (20), (21), (22B)
Lecture 138 Income of Professional Institutions
Section 9: Income under head salary
Lecture 139 Basic Elements of salary
Lecture 140 State whether following receipts are salary ?
Lecture 141 Definition of salary
Lecture 142 General notes related to salary
Lecture 143 Basis of charge for salary
Lecture 144 Salary Due Vs Accrued
Lecture 145 Place of Accrual of salary
Lecture 146 Computation of salary at glance
Lecture 147 Taxability of Gratuity
Lecture 148 Gratuity received during continuation of service by Government Employee
Lecture 149 Gratuity on Terminate of service by non-goverment employee covered under payment
Lecture 150 Gratuity - Seasonal / Piece - rated employee
Lecture 151 Case 1 Taxability of Gratuity
Lecture 152 Gratuity received @ Termination by non - Government Employee not covered under p
Lecture 153 Case 2 Taxability of Gratuity
Lecture 154 Clarification on claiming statutory amount under gratuity Exemption
Lecture 155 Tax on Gratuity received after death of an employee
Lecture 156 Leave Salary Encashment
Lecture 157 Case study 1 leave salary encashment
Lecture 158 Case study 2 leave salary encashment
Lecture 159 What is Pension?
Lecture 160 Tax treatment of Pension
Lecture 161 Case Study - Tax treatment of Pension
Lecture 162 Retrenchment Compensation and Tax Treatment
Lecture 163 Compensation on VRS and its Tax Treatment
Lecture 164 Annuity and its Tax Treatment
Lecture 165 Salary received in lieu of Notice Period & Profit in Lieu of Salary
Lecture 166 Allowances and its Tax Treatment
Lecture 167 House Rent Allowance and its Tax Treatment
Lecture 168 Case 1 House Rent Allowance and Tax treatment
Lecture 169 Case 2 House Rent Allowance and Tax Treatment
Lecture 170 Special Allowances and Tax treatment
Lecture 171 Children Education Allowance & Hostel Allowance
Lecture 172 Truck Drivers Allowance and Tax Treatment
Lecture 173 Transport Allowance and Tax Treatment
Lecture 174 Allowance to Government Employee outside India and other allowances
Lecture 175 Allowance to Judges of High Court & Supreme Court and Salary to teacher / profes
Lecture 176 Allowance / Perquisite to member of UPSC
Lecture 177 Case 1 Children Education Allowance and Hostel Allowance
Lecture 178 Case 2 Children Education Allowance and Hostel Allowance
Lecture 179 Case 3 Computation of Gross Taxable Salary
Lecture 180 Case 4 Computation of Gross Taxable Salary
Lecture 181 Case 5 Computation of Gross Taxable Salary
Lecture 182 Perquisites - Meaning and Chargeability
Lecture 183 Exempted Perquisities
Lecture 184 Valuatio of Residential Accomodation - provided by CG / State Government
Lecture 185 Valuatio of Residential Accomodation - provided by Other Employer
Lecture 186 Valuatio of Residential Accomodation - provided by Government / Other Employer -
Lecture 187 Key points related to Valuation of Accomodation
Lecture 188 How to arrive at value of any concession w.r.to rent of any accommodation
Lecture 189 Case 1 Compute Taxable Value of Perquisite
Lecture 190 Case 2 Compute Taxable Value of Perquisite
Lecture 191 Case 3 Compute Taxable Value of Perquisite
Lecture 192 Case 4 Compute Taxable Value of Perquisite
Lecture 193 Relief u/s 89 - Case Study
Section 10: Income from House Property
Lecture 194 Introduction to Income from House Property
Lecture 195 Building or land appurtenant thereto
Lecture 196 "Annual value of a property - assessed to tax only in the hands of the owner"
Lecture 197 Composite Rent
Lecture 198 Net Annual Value of Property
Lecture 199 Property Let out Through out PY
Lecture 200 Property Let out Vacant for part of PY
Lecture 201 Self Occupied Property
Lecture 202 Self Occupied and Let out for parts of year
Lecture 203 Deemed Let out Property
Lecture 204 Property Stock in Trade
Lecture 205 Let out and Portion Self Occupied
Lecture 206 Tax Treatment of Unrealised Rent
Lecture 207 Property Tax
Lecture 208 Case-1 Compute Gross Annual Value[GAV]
Lecture 209 Case-2 Compute Net Annual Value of Property
Lecture 210 Format-Computation of Income from house property
Lecture 211 Case-3 compute income from house property let out through out Previous year
Lecture 212 Format compute income from house property- let out Property vacant for part of t
Lecture 213 Case-4 let out Property vacant for part of the year
Lecture 214 Format-Computation of Income from house property-Self Occupied Property or Unoc
Lecture 215 Case-5 Self Occupied Property
Lecture 216 Deductions from Annual Value
Lecture 217 Deductions for Self Occupied Property
Lecture 218 Receipt of Arrears Rent Unrealized Rent
Lecture 219 Income from CO-Owned Property
Lecture 220 Deemed Ownership
Lecture 221 Case-6 House Property Let-Out for Part of The Year And Self Occupied For Part of
Lecture 222 Case-8 House Property A Protion Let Out and A Protion Self Occupied
Lecture 223 Case-9 Arrears of Rent and Unrealized Rent Recived Subsequenly
Lecture 224 Case-10 Income From Co-Owned Property
Section 11: TDS
Lecture 225 What is TDS?
Lecture 226 TDS on salary
Lecture 227 Case study TDS on salary
Lecture 228 TDS on payment from Employees provident fund
Lecture 229 TDS on interest on securities
Lecture 230 TDS on Dividends
Lecture 231 TDS on interest other than interest on securities
Lecture 232 TDS on winning from lotteries cross word puzzles
Lecture 233 TDS on winning form house Races
Lecture 234 Tds on payment to contractors
Lecture 235 TDS on insurance commission
Lecture 236 TDS on items u/s 194DA, 194E, 194EE, 194F, 194G
Lecture 237 TDS on commission other than insurance commission
Lecture 238 TDS on Rent
Lecture 239 TDS on transfer of immoveable property
Lecture 240 TDS on payment of Rent by certain individual / HUF
Lecture 241 TDS on fees for Technical & professional services
Lecture 242 TDS on payment of compensation on acquisition of certain immoveable property
Section 12: Profits & Gains of Business and Profession
Lecture 243 What is Business and Profession?
Lecture 244 Income Chargeable under Head Profits and Gains of Business / Profession
Lecture 245 General aspects related to Profits and Gains of Business / Profession
Lecture 246 Income not taxable under head Profits and Gains of Business / Profession
Lecture 247 Expenditures allowed as deduction
Lecture 248 Rent, Rates, Taxes, Repairs and Insurance for Building
Lecture 249 Repairs, Insurance of Plant & Machinery & Furniture
Lecture 250 Depreciation under Sec 32 of Income Tax Act
Lecture 251 Method of Computing Depreciation
Lecture 252 Extract of Depreciation Rate
Lecture 253 Computation of Depreciation Case 1
Lecture 254 Computation of Depreciation Case 2
Lecture 255 Case Study on Depreciation
Lecture 256 Expenditure on Scientific Research (Sec 35) - Introduction
Lecture 257 Scientific research as Revenue Expenditure incurred by Assessee
Lecture 258 Scientific research as Capital Expenditure incurred by Assessee
Lecture 259 Application of Sec 41 on Sale of Capital Assets used for Scientific Research
Lecture 260 Deduction on Amount paid to University, College or other institution for Scienti
Lecture 261 Deduction on Amount paid to Company for Scientific Research
Lecture 262 Deduction on amount paid to Research Association / University / College / Other
Lecture 263 Deduction on amount paid to National Laboratory
Lecture 264 Deduction for Scientific Research to Company engaged in Business of Bio Technolo
Lecture 265 Table of Deductions for Scientific Research
Lecture 266 Case Study on Deduction for Scientific Research
Section 13: Capital Gains
Lecture 267 What is Capital Asset
Lecture 268 Stock in Trade -is it a Capital Asset?
Lecture 269 Personal Effects-is it a Capital Asset ?
Lecture 270 Rural Agricultural land -is it a Capital Assets ?
Lecture 271 Short Term And Long Term Capital Assets
Lecture 272 Exceptions
Lecture 273 Part 1 - Determination of period of holding[Clause (i) of Explanation 1 to sect
Lecture 274 Part 2 - Determination of period of holding[Clause (i) of Explanation 1 to sect
Lecture 275 Part 3 - Determination of period of holding[Clause (i) of Explanation 1 to sect
Lecture 276 Period of holding in respect of other capital assets
Lecture 277 Transfer :What it Means ?
Lecture 278 Capital Gain Year of Chargeability
Lecture 279 Insurance Receipts and Capital gains
Lecture 280 Capital Gains on conversion of Capital Asset as stock in trade
Lecture 281 Transfer of beneficial interest in securities[Section 45(2A)]
Lecture 282 Capital gains on introduction of capital contribution
Lecture 283 Capital Gain on distribution capital asset on distribution of firm /AOP/BOI
Lecture 284 Capital Gain on Compensation compulsory acquisition
Lecture 285 Capital Gain on Capital Gains on case of specified Agreement SEC 45 (5a)
Lecture 286 Capital Gain on Distribution of asset by companies in Liquidation (sec 46)
Lecture 287 Capital Gains on Buyback of shares OR other securities
Lecture 288 Transactions not regarded as transfer (Part 1)
Lecture 289 Transactions not Regarded as Transfer (Part 2)
Lecture 290 Transfer of Shares by Shareholder in Scheme of Amalgamation
Lecture 291 Transfer of Capital Asset under Reverse Charge Mechanism
Lecture 292 Case Study Reverse Charge Mechanism
Lecture 293 Mode of Computation of Capital Gain
Lecture 294 Cost of previous owner considered as cost of acquisition
Lecture 295 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 2
Lecture 296 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 3
Lecture 297 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 4
Lecture 298 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 5
Lecture 299 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 6
Lecture 300 Ascertainment of Cost of Acquisition in specified circumstances - Part 7
Lecture 301 Cost Inflation Index
Lecture 302 Case Study on Conversion of Capital Asset into Stock in Trade and Capital Gains
Lecture 303 Capital Gain on Self Generated Goodwill
Lecture 304 Computation of Capital Gains in case of Depreciable Assets
Lecture 305 Case Study Computation of Capital Gains in case of Depreciable Assets
Lecture 306 Capital Gains on Slump Sale
Lecture 307 Case Study on Capital Gains on Slump Sale
Lecture 308 Case Study on Sec 50C - Full Value of Consideration in certain cases
Lecture 309 Transfer of Unlisted Shares
Lecture 310 Tax on Advance Money received on Capital Assets
Lecture 311 Income tax on Compulsory Acquisition of Urban Agricultural Land - Case Study
Lecture 312 Income tax on Compulsory Acquisition of Urban Agricultural Land - Case Study 2
Lecture 313 Income tax on Compulsory Acquisition of Urban Agricultural Land - Case Study 3
Lecture 314 Income tax on Compulsory Acquisition of Urban Agricultural Land - Case Study 4
Lecture 315 Income tax on Compulsory Acquisition of Urban Agricultural Land - Case Study 5
Lecture 316 Case Study Sec 54EC
Lecture 317 Capital Gain Account Scheme (CGAS)
Lecture 318 Case Study on Capital Gain Exemption Sec 54 & 54EC (Part 1)
Lecture 319 Case Study on Capital Gain Exemption Sec 54 & 54EC (Part 2)
Lecture 320 Case Study on Capital Gains with Exemptions
Lecture 321 Exemption under sec 54EE for Capital Gains
Lecture 322 Exemption under Sec 54F for Capital Gains
Lecture 323 Sec 54F Non compliance impact
Lecture 324 Case Study with exemption under section 54EC
Lecture 325 Case study on Capital Gain - Exemption u/s 54 & 54EC
Section 14: Income from Other Sources
Lecture 326 Income Frome Other Sources - Introduction
Lecture 327 Deemed Dividend Sec 2 (22) (a to e )
Lecture 328 Deemed Dividend Sec 2 (22) (e)- Case study
Lecture 329 Basic of Charge of Dividend
Lecture 330 Case Study Sec 115 BBDA
Lecture 331 Case Study Sec 115 BBDA
Lecture 332 Chargeability of Dividend in the hands of Shareholder
Lecture 333 Casual Income
Lecture 334 Tax on Consideration in excess of FMV when shares issued at premium
Lecture 335 Sec 56(2)(viib) - Case studies
Lecture 336 Interest received on Compensation / Enhanced compensation
Lecture 337 Tax on Advance forfeited on capital assets due to failure of negotiation
Lecture 338 Taxation of money / property received without / inadequate consideration
Lecture 339 Case Study - Sec 56(2)(x)
Lecture 340 Transfer of property / goods for inadequate consideration - Case Study Part 1
Lecture 341 Transfer of property / goods for inadequate consideration - Case Study Part 2
Lecture 342 Compensation or any other payment received in connection with termination of his
Lecture 343 Income chargeable under the head "Income from other sources"
Lecture 344 Keyman Insurance Policy
Lecture 345 Taxability of Residual Income
Lecture 349 Deduction u/s 57(iv) - Case Study
Lecture 351 Deemed Income chargeable to Tax
Section 15: Clubbing Of Income
Lecture 352 Introduction to Clubbing of Income
Lecture 353 Transfer of Income without transfer of asset (Sec 60)
Lecture 354 Clubbing of Income on Revocable Transfer of Asset (Sec 61 & 62)
Lecture 355 Clubbing of Income arising to Spouse - Remuneration from a concern with Substant
Lecture 356 Clubbing of Income arising to Spouse - Income from Asset transferred without ade
Lecture 357 Clubbing of Income Case Study
Lecture 358 Cross Transfer - Case Study
Lecture 359 Clubbing of Income - Case Study
Lecture 360 Clubbing of Income - Comprehensive Case Study
Lecture 361 Minor Children & Spouse - Case Study
Lecture 362 Transfer of asset for the benefit of spouse
Lecture 363 Income arising to son's wife from asset transferred without adequate considerati
Lecture 364 Transferor of Asset for the benefit of Son's Wife
Section 16: Deductions from Gross Total Income
Lecture 365 Introductions to Deductions from Total Income
Lecture 366 Deduction under Sec 80C - Part 1
Lecture 367 Deduction under Sec 80C - Part 2
Lecture 368 Sec 80C related Case Study 1
Lecture 369 Sec 80C related Case Study 2
Lecture 370 Sec 80CCC - Deduction in respect of contribution made to certain pension funds
Lecture 371 Sec 80CCD - Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Go
Lecture 372 Sec 80CCD related Case Study 3
Lecture 373 Sec 80CCD related Case Study 4
Lecture 374 Sec 80CCG - Deduction in respect of Investment made under Equity Savings Scheme
Lecture 375 Sec 80CCG related Case Study 5
Lecture 376 Sec 80D - Medical Insurance Premium
Lecture 377 Sec 80DD - Deduction for Maintenance & Medical Treatment of Dependent Disabled
Lecture 378 Sec 80G Deductions
Lecture 379 Case Study Sec 80G
Lecture 380 Deduction in respect of Rent Paid - Sec 80GG
Lecture 381 Case Study Sec 80GG
Lecture 382 Case Study - Computation of Earnings of Employees and prepration of statement of
Lecture 383 Deductuions u/s 80GGA - Donations for Scientific Research and Rural Development
Lecture 384 Deductuions u/s 80GGB - Deduction for contribution by Companies to Political Par
Lecture 385 Case Study - Deductuions u/s 80GGB - Deduction for contribution by Companies to
Lecture 386 Deductuions u/s 80GGC - Deduction for contribution by any person to Political Pa
Section 17: Last Section
Lecture 387 Bonus Lecture
CA Intermediate Students,CMA Students,CS Students,BCom Students,BBA Students,MCom Students,Finance Professionals



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