Free Download Zero To Hero– Selenium Webdriver +Java Basics To Advanced
Published 9/2023
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Language: English | Size: 13.28 GB | Duration: 33h 15m
[2023] Selenium version 4 LATEST - Learn Java & Selenium Java Automation from Basics to Advanced level + LIVE Project.
What you'll learn
By the end of this course, You will be expert on Selenium WebDriver with JAVA.
In depth understanding of each topic with real time examples.
You can crack the any Selenium Interview.
By the end of this course. You will be able to automate any Web based application.
Deeper understanding of Automation guidelines and code quality standards
Course includes real time projects with practical Solutions.
No prior Java / coding knowledge required as everything is taught from the scratch
All topics are covered in detailed with live programming in the lectures which will make you feel as in you are studying in a live class room.
All Installation setup including is taken care as part of course.
Hi Student, Welcome to this most recent Selenium Automation testing course of 2023.This course covers the latest version of all the Automation tools. The course is specially designed in such a way that You need NOT have java coding experience to start this course. Even non Programming candidates can follow this course comfortablyCourse is designed in such a way so that no programming language students can understand every topics easily with non technical examples.All the topics include example from real time application Web applications.This course will help you to become an Automation expert from scratch. On course completion You will be Mastered in Selenium Automation Testing and implementing Successfully in your work place.We have dedicated Trainers who can help in answering students queries ASAP.Projects build with in-depth implementation of following topics : JavaSeleniumTestNG FrameworkPage Object Model Design Patterns.Maven Build management tool.GIT Source Code Management tool.Jenkins.Lo4J Logger Framework.Extent Report.Apache POI Library.Cloud Testing - Sauce Lab Integration.Last but not least, at the end of topics you can download the source code on your computer for your offline reference. So whatever code I teach you in the video, that specific code will be available for download.I thank you for selecting this course to learn Selenium automation, and wish you all the best for your learning to become an Automation expert.
Section 1: Introduction of Selenium and It's Components - IDE, RC, GRID and WebDriver
Lecture 1 Selenium Introduction - Features and Components.
Lecture 2 Selenium IDE Introduction.
Lecture 3 Selenium IDE- Live Record and Play Demo
Lecture 4 Selenium Remote Control Introduction
Lecture 5 Selenium WebDriver Introduction
Lecture 6 Selenium GRID Introduction
Section 2: Introduction of Java and Eclipse IDE
Lecture 7 Java Introduction and Installation on Windows machine.
Lecture 8 Eclipse Introduction, Installation and Create First Java Project.
Section 3: Java Basics - Variables, Data types, Operators, and Control Statements
Lecture 9 Understand Java main method, it's signature and write first Java program.
Lecture 10 Introduction Java variables.
Lecture 11 What is Local variable and It's rules.
Lecture 12 What is Instance variable and It's rules.
Lecture 13 What is Static variable and It's rules.
Lecture 14 What is data type and it's different types.
Lecture 15 What is a Operator and it's different types.
Lecture 16 Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 17 Assignment Operators
Lecture 18 Relational Operators
Lecture 19 Logical Operators
Lecture 20 What is Control Statement and It's different types?
Lecture 21 If Else Introduction
Lecture 22 If Else If Introduction
Lecture 23 Switch Case Introduction
Lecture 24 For Loop Introduction
Lecture 25 While Loop Introduction
Lecture 26 Arrays Introduction and Single Dimensional Array.
Lecture 27 Two Dimensional Arrays Introduction
Lecture 28 Introduction of control statements and different types.
Lecture 29 If else statement.
Lecture 30 If else if statement
Lecture 31 Switch Case
Section 4: Understanding OOPS concepts in depth.
Lecture 32 Undersetting Java Class and Objects
Lecture 33 Understanding Constructor, types and Default Constructor.
Lecture 34 Understanding parameterized constructor
Lecture 35 Understanding Constructor chaining.
Lecture 36 OOPS Introduction and features
Lecture 37 Understanding Inheritance with real time example.
Lecture 38 Inheritance Implementation with real time example.
Lecture 39 Understanding Polymorphism, types and Method Overloading
Lecture 40 Understanding Method Overriding.
Lecture 41 Understanding Abstraction and Interface
Lecture 42 Understanding Abstract Class.
Lecture 43 Java Encapsulation
Lecture 44 Understanding Java Access modifiers with examples
Lecture 45 Java List Collection
Section 5: Understating Selenium Architecture And Launch diff browsers via Selenium script.
Lecture 46 Understanding Selenium WebDriver Architecture.
Lecture 47 Launch Google Chrome via Selenium WebDriver Script.
Lecture 48 Launch Firefox browser via Selenium WebDriver Script.
Lecture 49 Launch Internet Explorer browser via Selenium WebDriver Script.
Section 6: Getting Start with Selenium Locators.
Lecture 50 Introduction of Selenium Locators and types.
Lecture 51 Finding the elements by Id and name locators.
Lecture 52 Finding Web link element by using Link Text and Partial Link Text locators
Lecture 53 Understanding the Xpath and it's types.
Lecture 54 Solving the real time elements issues by Xpath methods - Part 1
Lecture 55 Solving the real time elements issues by Xpath methods - Part 12
Lecture 56 Understanding Css Selector locators
Lecture 57 Solving the real time elements issues by Css Selector locator
Lecture 58 Understanding Class name locator.
Lecture 59 Understanding TagName locator.
Lecture 60 Understanding the difference between findElement() and findElements()
Section 7: Handling the Web elements - Button, Text box, radio button, checkbox, link, etc.
Lecture 61 Text box operations handling
Lecture 62 Checkbox operations handling
Lecture 63 Radio button operations handling
Lecture 64 Dropdown operations handling
Lecture 65 Links operations handling.
Lecture 66 Calendar operations handling
Lecture 67 Button operations handling
Lecture 68 CSS Validations handling.
Section 8: Understanding the frequently used Selenium methods with real time examples.
Lecture 69 Selenium method to open application, get title, url and maximized browser.
Lecture 70 Selenium methods to navigate to back, forward and refresh the page.
Lecture 71 Close and quite methods with real examples.
Section 9: Handling of Java script Alert, Iframe and multiple windows of browser
Lecture 72 Automate jаvascript alert with real time example.
Lecture 73 Understanding the Iframe and it's handling.
Lecture 74 Nested Iframe handling.
Lecture 75 Handling the Multiple windows of a browser.
Section 10: Execute Java script via Selenium.
Lecture 76 Understanding the jаvascript usage for Selenium
Lecture 77 Execute jаvascript via Selenium to enter value in Text box and click on button.
Lecture 78 Execute jаvascript via Selenium to get title and url of web page.
Lecture 79 Execute jаvascript via Selenium to Scroll down.
Lecture 80 Execute jаvascript via Selenium for Horizontal Scrolling
Section 11: Keyboard and Mouse Events handling in Selenium.
Lecture 81 Understanding the need to keyboard and mouse handling.
Lecture 82 How to automate double click action.
Lecture 83 How to automate right click action.
Lecture 84 How to automate drag and drop action.
Lecture 85 How to automate Move mouse on any element and perform click, and enter value.
Section 12: Synchronization usage in Selenium - Implicit, Explicit and Fluent waits.
Lecture 86 Understanding the Synchronization Usage in Selenium.
Lecture 87 Understanding the Implicit wait with real time example.
Lecture 88 Understanding the need to Explicit wait.
Lecture 89 Understanding the Explicit wait with real time example.
Lecture 90 Understanding the need to Fluent wait.
Lecture 91 Understanding the Fluent wait with real time example.
Lecture 92 Difference between Implicit VS Explicit VS Fluent waits.
Section 13: Customize the browsers and Headless execution via Selenium
Lecture 93 Understanding the need to customizing the browser settings.
Lecture 94 Customized the Chrome browser to change default download path.
Lecture 95 Customized the Chrome browser to launch with Maximized mode.
Lecture 96 Customized the Chrome browser to disable jаvascript and notification.
Lecture 97 Customized the Chrome browser to run automation with Incognito mode.
Lecture 98 Customized the Firefox browser to change default download path.
Lecture 99 Customized the Firefox browser to run automation with Private Mode.
Lecture 100 Customized the Firefox browser to launch existing profile.
Lecture 101 Customized the IE browser to ignore zoom level.
Lecture 102 Customized the IE browser to set initial url.
Lecture 103 Understanding the need to run automation in Headless mode.
Lecture 104 Execute test script in Chrome headless mode.
Lecture 105 Execute test script in Firefox headless mode.
Section 14: SSL Certificate Handling in Selenium
Lecture 106 What is SSL Certificate.
Lecture 107 Handle SSL certificate in Chrome browser.
Lecture 108 Handle SSL certificate in Firefox browser.
Section 15: Cookies handling in Selenium
Lecture 109 Cookies Introduction.
Lecture 110 How to get cookies at run time.
Lecture 111 How to add cookies at run time.
Lecture 112 How to delete cookies at run time.
Section 16: Capture application screenshot in Selenium
Lecture 113 Understanding the TakeScreenshot Interface of Selenium.
Lecture 114 Capture Application Screenshot Using TakeScreenShot Interface
Lecture 115 Design Reusable method to capture multiple
Lecture 116 Limitations of TakeScreenShot Interface.
Lecture 117 Understanding the AShot API to capture screenshot.
Lecture 118 Ashot API to to take screenshot of screen
Lecture 119 Ashot API to tale Full Page Screenshot
Section 17: TestNG Framework - Basics to Advance
Lecture 120 TestNG Framework Introduction.
Lecture 121 Install TestNG Plugin Using Eclipse Market Place.
Lecture 122 Creating first test case using TestNG framework
Lecture 123 Understanding TestNG Assertions.
Lecture 124 Understanding Assert Equals assertion.
Lecture 125 Understanding Assert Not Equals assertion.
Lecture 126 Understanding Assert True assertion.
Lecture 127 Understanding Assert False assertion.
Lecture 128 Creating multiple assertions in single test case.
Lecture 129 Understanding Assertion types and Hard Assertions.
Lecture 130 SoftAssertion Introduction With demonstration
Lecture 131 Understanding TestNG priority with dummy test case
Lecture 132 Implementing TestNG priority with real time example.
Lecture 133 Understanding TestNG priority with duplicate priority values.
Lecture 134 Understanding TestNG priority with negative priority values.
Lecture 135 TestNG priority - partial priority for Test cases
Lecture 136 Understanding the different ways to exclude test case from execution.
Lecture 137 Exclude test case using enabled attribute and @Ignore Annotation.
Lecture 138 Exclude test case for Orange HRM Application.
Lecture 139 Invocation Count - Execute @Test multiple times
Lecture 140 Understanding the TestNG.XML file.
Lecture 141 First TestNG.xml file to execute test cases of class
Lecture 142 TestNG.xml file to include specific test cases to execute
Lecture 143 Exclude Test case using exclude tag in testng.xml file
Lecture 144 TestNG.xml file to execute multiple classes - Part 1
Lecture 145 TestNG.xml file to execute multiple classes - Part 2
Lecture 146 Understanding Parameters annotation.
Lecture 147 Implementing Parameters annotation for Orange HRM login test case.
Lecture 148 Parameters annotation with @Optional annotation
Lecture 149 Understanding the Data Provider annotation.
Lecture 150 Data Provider to execute OrangeHRM Login test case with different data.
Lecture 151 Understanding the Groups.
Lecture 152 Execute test case based on Group name.
Lecture 153 Assign multiple groups to single @Test and run @Tests from multiple classes.
Lecture 154 DependsOnMethods attribute Introduction
Lecture 155 Understan DependsOnMethods with Apply Leave and Approve Leave test cases
Lecture 156 Understanding DependsOnMethods with OrangeHRM test cases
Lecture 157 Understanding @Test Annotation
Lecture 158 Understanding BeforeMethod and AfterMethod Annotations
Lecture 159 Understanding BeforeTest and AfterTest Annotations
Lecture 160 Understanding BeforeSuite And AfterSuite Annotation
Lecture 161 Understanding BeforeClass And AfterClass
Lecture 162 Understanding Before Groups And After Groups
Lecture 163 Understanding the TestNG Listeners.
Lecture 164 Orange HRM Test cases automation.
Lecture 165 End to end steps to implement ITestListener .
Lecture 166 End to end steps to implement ISuiteListener.
Lecture 167 End to end steps to implement IInvokeMethod Listener..
Lecture 168 End to end steps to implement IAnnotation Transformer Listener.
Section 18: Maven - Build Management Tool.
Lecture 169 Maven Introduction.
Lecture 170 Maven Installation.
Lecture 171 Create First Maven Project
Lecture 172 Understanding the Maven repositories and types.
Lecture 173 Understating the pom.xml file of Maven project.
Lecture 174 Understanding the Maven Compile phase and Complier plugin.
Lecture 175 Understanding the Maven Test phase and SuireFire plugin.
Lecture 176 Understanding the Maven Phases - Package, Install and Deploy.
Section 19: Selenium Integration with Sauce Labs
Lecture 177 Understanding the Cloud testing.
Lecture 178 Selenium Integration with Sauce Labs with real time project.
Section 20: Page Object Model Design Patterns.
Lecture 179 Page Object Model Design Pattern Introduction.
Lecture 180 Understating the Page Factory Patterns.
Lecture 181 Implement Page Factory Pattern for Orange HRM Test cases.
Section 21: Handling Excel File Using Apache POI library.
Lecture 182 Understanding the Apache POI Architecture.
Lecture 183 Reading the test data from Excel file using Apache POI
Lecture 184 Understanding the Properties file.
Lecture 185 Reading test data from Properties file using Java properties class.
Section 22: Log4J Logger Framework.
Lecture 186 Understanding the Log4J Framework and fearures.
Lecture 187 Implement Log4J to log messages for OrangeHRM test cases.
Section 23: Extent Report Library.
Lecture 188 Understanding the Features of Extent Report Library.
Lecture 189 Understand the Sample Extent Report.
Lecture 190 Creating ExtentReportUtils class.
Lecture 191 Implementing ITestListener for Extent Report.
Lecture 192 Adding Extent report steps in test cases.
Section 24: GIT- Source Code Management Tool.
Lecture 193 Git Software Introduction.
Lecture 194 GIT Installation.
Lecture 195 Creating GitHub account.
Lecture 196 Creating a new Project for Git.
Lecture 197 Understanding the GIT workflow.
Lecture 198 Adding SSH key for GIT.
Lecture 199 GIT Commands - GIt version, init, remote.
Lecture 200 GIT Commands - GIT remote version, Status, add, commit, push.
Lecture 201 Understanding GIT pull Command.
Lecture 202 Understanding GIT Clone command.
Lecture 203 Understanding the GIT Branching.
Lecture 204 GIT branch commands - get all branch names, create and switch to another branch.
Lecture 205 Understanding to push code on a specific branch.
Lecture 206 How to pull code from a specific branch.
Lecture 207 Merging Two branches codes.
Lecture 208 GIT end to end commands to push automation code on new GitHub repository.
Section 25: Jenkins - CICD Tool.
Lecture 209 Jenkins Introduction.
Lecture 210 End to end steps to Install and set up Jenkins.
Lecture 211 Setting up Jenkins Global tool configurations.
Lecture 212 Managing Jankins Plugins - add and update.
Lecture 213 Managing Jenkins Users - Create, Modify and delete.
Lecture 214 Understanding Maven Job in Jenkins.
Lecture 215 Creating a Maven Jobs for Automation execution..
Lecture 216 End to end steps for Jenkins Job with GitHub Integration.
Lecture 217 Running the Automation Jenkins Job.
Lecture 218 Part 1- Setting up Email configuration for sending automation report .
Lecture 219 Part 2- Setting up Email configuration for sending automation report .
Lecture 220 Part 3- Setting up Email configuration for sending automation report .
Lecture 221 Understanding Build Trigger Option - Build After Other Projects built.
Lecture 222 Understanding Build Trigger Option - Trigger build remotely.
Lecture 223 Understanding Build Trigger Option - Build Periodically.
Manual Tester,Beginner Automation Tester,Selenium Tester,Developer
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